So Tai is still in our neighborhood: that's the good thing. Yesterday morning there was dirt dug up around the fence, right by the cat hole she escaped from (DH made it smaller, apparently prematurely!) and my sister --who was sleeping on the couch the previous night and didn't have the idea to wake us-- heard pawing and digging by the front door. Sheesh!
But some neighbors around the corner called us last night and said they saw her darting down the street, and the husband came out and looked with us for an hour. We didn't see her, though. But then, around 11, we saw her trotting down the middle of our street, and turn the corner. I go out, b/c she's timid of men, and follow her to another nieghbor's house, where she goes down the driveway and hides back behind the RV. DH comes up and goes back behind the RV and flushes her out, but she's too fast and runs right past me! Damn!
So we set up a watch, looking out the window for her to see if she'll come back through our now open gate to find food. The plan was, she'd come in, go up the driveway to find the food bowl, and DH would slip out the front and close the gate behind her. That ALMOST worked, but when DH was trying to very quietly open the front door to trap her in our driveway, one of our cats decides to cause a ruckus at the front door and starts yowling "let me out, let me out!" and he scares the dog and she runs away again.
That was around 2, and we were really too tired to stay up all night (even though that was the plan) so we just leave the gate open and leave her food and hope she'll know to keep coming back here to eat.
She must have, b/c the bowl was empty this am.
DH went and looked behind the neighbor's RV this morning on his way to work, and Tai was under it, but she bolted -again. But we both saw her, she's still nearby, and it's going to take a little wrangling but I think we can trap her! Wish us luck!
Re: adoption dog update! long...
I agree with shanana - When our dog Ruby (the escaped artist) get out we go walking with the other dog. Ruby will come over and allow us to capture her.
Thank god her days of getting out are over.