I meant to post this a couple of days ago, but things have been a little crazy...
All Tennessee Wineries, including Arrington Vineyards, are in real danger of being forced to close! The STATE of TENNESSEE was sued in Federal Court over direct wine shipping rights. The 6th Circuit Court upheld Tennessee?s ban on shipping wine. However, while reviewing Tennessee?s wine laws, the Court declared parts of the Tennessee Winery Law unconstitutional. The Court is demanding changes to the TN Grape and Winery Law. The Tennessee Farm Wineries Association (TFWA) has introduced bills in the TN Legislature to fix the unconstitutional language in Tennessee's Grape and Wine Law per the US 6th Circuit Court ruling. House Bill 1549 and Senate Bill 0944 will fix these constitutional problems and allow TN wineries to continue operating just as they have for the last 30 years.
Without this new legislation, TN wineries will probably be forced to close their doors by the Federal Court, leading to the loss of over 1600 jobs and the loss of over $140 Million of positive economic impact in TN. PLEASE contact your TN Representative and TN Senator and ask them to CO-SPONSOR HB1549/SB0944. This is CRITICAL for the survival of the TN Wine Industry!
Also, PLEASE contact Gov. Phil Bredesen's office and ask him to speak up and support TN Law and Tennessee's response to the US 6th Circuit Court decision. Your expediency is crucial! These bills are moving QUICKLY through the TN Legislature. To find out who your state legislators are, go to: www.capitol.tn.gov/legislators or
www.votesmart.org. Gov. Bredesen can be reached at: Governor's Office Tennessee State Capitol Nashville, TN 37243-0001 Phone: 615.741.2001 Fax: 615.532.9711 Email: phil.bredesen@state.tn.us
Re: Save Arrington Vineyards