South Carolina Nesties
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Your Weekend question/topic. . .
Share an embarassing funny moment . . . . .
Re: Your Weekend question/topic. . .
Like the day I went to work with a sock stuck to me, this was before I realized the power of dryer sheets
I was young.
I think I may take the cake on this one.
About 3 or 4 years ago, I was going to the Hollywild Christmas Lights with my ex. We went the weekend before Christmas. If you have ever been there, you know traffic tends to be backed up for miles for people waiting to get in. Well before we got there, we stopped at a gas station and I bought a thing of coffee to sip on while looking at lights. Well I finished it before we even got to the front of the line.
Well, anything liquid seems to go right through me. The line of cars was probably moving at half a mile per hour, so we got to a point that I saw a construction company with come concrete pipes. I figured it would be a good chance for me to hop out, use the "ladies room" and get back to the car. I hop out and run to do my business behind a pipe.
I was squating there, my butt up in the air when a truck pulls up directly behind me with its high beams illuminating me. To make it worse, the truck had a bed full of kids and adults (maybe had the same idea I did, but I didn't care). I hiked up my pants as quickly as possible and RAN!
There are so many. Usually they involve putting my foot in my mouth. Most recently I was taken out for lunch by the broker of another office and he was trying to recruit me. The conversation turned to builders and who the bad ones were. I start sounding off saying " speaking of sketchy builders, did you see that So and So listed Mr. Unnamed Builders homes last week?" Dead silence. Then the broker says, "yes, I did see that. So and so listed half of Mr. Builders listings... I listed the other half".
Hahaha I so enjoyed all your stories, great question for the weekend!
One of my most embarassing moments was when I was in 3rd grade and I found a "pet" turtle. My parents let me keep him in a cardboard box. Anyway I was showing the neighbor kids how awesome my pet was and we decided to have a competition to see who could do the most awesome thing with my turtle. One kid took him down a sliding board, another kid too him for a ride in the baby swing. One kid put him in the seat compartment of a plastic tricycle and drove him around the driveway... Needless to say, while we thought it was cool, it was probably pure torture for the turtle...
SO it was my turn, the grand finale. While all the other kids' tricks were cool, I figured mine could be DEEP and MEANINGFUL. Anyone can take a turtle down a slide, but no one but his owner (me) could demonstrate true affection for him... So for my great feat, I decided to give him eskimo kisses....
*CHOMP* It was a snapping turtle. He clamped down on the side of my nose... I SCREAMED tried pulling on him... NOTHING. I started running around screaming, arms flailing, turtle hanging from my face, blood dripping down the turtle. No parents around... In a moment of pure panic I gave a huge tug at the turtle, and he came free, taking the chunk of my nose that was in his mouth with him.
That wasn't even the real embarassment though (though that was pretty bad.) The worst part was the reaction that all the parents in the neighborhood had when they found out... they were all running out of their houses including my mom, freaking out! One lady poured half a bottle of peroxide on my nose, while others started whispering about rabies.
So my mom, who is a total spaz, decides it is necessary to rush me to the ER... Blood dripping from my nose, we parade in there as she explains what happens to the receptionist... She said it loud enough everyone in the waiting room heard too. There were ROARS of laughter.
Finally we were seen by the dr... Again... doubled over laughing.... He goes and gets his residents and nurses so they can check out the stupid kid who rubbed noses with a snapping turtle too.
It was just terrible. Fortunately the chunk of nose that the turtle took with him was on the inside of my right nostril, so over time the skin grew over it, and scar tissue filled in the dent in the cartilage. You can't even tell now...
It was also incredibly embarassing going back to school and explaining what happened to everyone in my class... Too many kids from my neighborhood already knew about it so there was no point making up a less embarassing tale.
Mrs. ZP, okay I think you beat my story.
Haha I dunno, I like to think other people's stories are worse than mine... Yours IS hilarious!