H and I went looking at houses Saturday. Since H's schedule only lets us get 3 days a month in to look, our realtor books a lot for us to see at once. Well we fell in love with house #3 for the day. It has so much potential and looks like it could be move in condition. It's also in a great neighborhood in Derry and we've been pictureing ourselves living there since we saw it. The realtor is checking out some of the details today to see if we should put an offer in on it. I'm cautiously optomistic, but hoping it all works out.
Also, as a sidenote, today is my big ultrasound, so hopefully the baby will cooperate and we can stop calling it "it" or "baby".
Re: Maybe found a house
That's great! I'm sending LOTS of house dust your way!!!
and how exciting for the ultrasound!!! Let us know if you find out what "it" is!