Sorry... I need to vent. My dogs are driving me crazy! So I've been cleaning all weekend since I haven't really done a deep clean in a long time and a few nesties are coming over tomorrow and every time I think I am ahead of the game and almost done they do something to screw it up!
It first started with my couch. Yes, my couch. So my dogs are allowed to lay on the couch every once in a while. The two non-leather chairs we have are also ok for them. Well... Jetta decided to make a hole in our cushion. Yeah, a hole! I don't have enough time to order a new cushion cover so I went and bough a slip cover. The slip cover looks okay but it's all wrinkly because I don't have enough time to iron it and don't own a steam cleaner (know anyone who does?).
So that was Friday night. Saturday I am picking up everything and puting dishes in the sink to wash. DH had a glass in the front bedroom and Scout decided to jump up and help me. He knocked it down and the glass broke.
Yesterday was pretty non-eventful except for the fact that Scout decided that he would bring out every single toy he owns and spread them all over the house.
And finally... today I woke up to the trash being knocked down all over the place and dog hair everywhere. I guess they decided to have a tiff when I was in the shower. URG!
My house totally is a "lived in" house. We don't keep sterile rooms or even try to live super clean cause that's not us. But I like a clean house every once in a while and especially when people are coming over. Anyone want to watch my dogs for a few days?? j/k.
Oh, and they'll be outside tomorrow night
Married 6-30-07, BFP 9-1-07, M/C & D&C 10-5-07, BFP #2 6-20-08, BFP #3 3-28-2010
Mommy to Ethan born 2-22-09 7lbs 13.5oz & 21" long
SAL Buddy to March04b2b
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Don't stress about it too much! I like it when peoples home are "lived in" and not all "model home-ish".
I can't wait to meet everyone tonight at the book club meeting!
My house always looks like a tornado went through it and I do not have the "oh we have dogs" excuse! lol - just an "oh it's my DH" excuse hee hee!
I agree with the pp, don't stress... My mom used to say "a house should be clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy"...
I totally understand about the dogs, right after I put their toys away while I'm cleaning their all over the apartment... We actually "dog proofed" our apartment when we got married because Mia started getting into the cabinets (and yes, spreading the trash all over the kitchen), they had been good for a while, but yesterday J called me to let me know that he found them in the balcony: they rammed their way through the screen door... Fortunatelly they didn't tear the screen, and I have previous experience with reinstalling it (many times over at my house before we got married)... ah dogs... sometimes they give you so much joy and they make you laugh so much, and some days you just want to take them to the pound :-D
Cole Alexander 6.9.10
LOL Dani. i will get one room clean and then Belle will come behind me and the next thing i know the room looks like a tornado hit it! i think she does it on purpose actually...
Learning to start all over again... Blog