San Diego Nesties
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Since I moved back to the states in December, I've been trying to find more activities outside of work, school, and exercise to interest me. I took up painting again and I've been reading more often, but I'd like to hear what all of you do to relax or use your creativity.
1. What are your hobbies?
2. How much time do you devote to your activities?
3. What is something you've always wanted to do (learn a language, skydive, etc.) that you haven't allowed yourself the opportunity for yet?
Re: Poll: Hobbies
1. My current hobbies include traveling, scrapbooking, crafts, anything DIY, shopping for deals, and research. I will research ANYTHING!
2. I feel satisfied with the amount of time I dedicate to those things...I really dont have a set time for them though.
3. Well, for 2008 my goals are to Blog (check: needs to become more regular though), keep a journal (check), loose weight (check), learn Italian (in progress), and to read more (working on it.
Future goals include: yoga, pilates, anything mind, body. spirit oriented.
2. How much time do you devote to your activities? The cooking and working out are woven into the schedule since they are high on the priorities. Snowboarding is a few times a season. Group games are just pick-up games; ultimate frisbee starts up once a week after daylight savings. Reading depends on how much time I have.
3. What is something you've always wanted to do (learn a language, skydive, etc.) that you haven't allowed yourself the opportunity for yet? There's a few things I would like to try but there isn't really something I want to pick up and do consistently. Guess I'm just working on my "to do" list.
2. How much time do you devote to your activities? As much time as I can.
3. What is something you've always wanted to do (learn a language, skydive, etc.) that you haven't allowed yourself the opportunity for yet? Learn to play piano. I read music and am classically trained but not on the piano. I want to learn to play and write songs and perform them for a private audience (read: me).
1. What are your hobbies? scrapbooking, reading, knitting, exercising, nesting, cooking, blogging
2. How much time do you devote to your activities? scrapbooking once every few months, reading every day, knitting every few months, exercising every week, nesting every day, cooking every day, blogging every other day
3. What is something you've always wanted to do (learn a language, skydive, etc.) that you haven't allowed yourself the opportunity for yet? I would like to learn another language but don't think I have the patience for it. I also think that I'd need to live in a country that speaks the language in order to fully absorb it.
I go to Live musicals, have been in local musicals, sell jewelry on nights and weekends and lots of vegging around the house.
2. How much time do you devote to your activities?
depends on my mood.
3. What is something you've always wanted to do (learn a language, skydive, etc.) that you haven't allowed yourself the opportunity for yet?
start my own business and work for myself. To chicken to ever persue it.
Reading, fashion, scrapbooking, biking, snowboarding
2. How much time do you devote to your activities?
Reading: Probably averages out to 30 min. a day.
Fashion: Depends. I read about it and talk to my friends who have similar interests a lot. Actually shopping varies.
Scrapbooking: Maybe 1-2 times a month. I do this with a friend, so we have work around our schedules.
Biking: 2-3 times a week if the weather is nice
Snowboarding: Varies. Last year, I went quite a bit, but this year I've only gone once.
3. What is something you've always wanted to do (learn a language, skydive, etc.) that you haven't allowed yourself the opportunity for yet?
I would like to get back into dancing(I've taken ballet, modern, and jazz before)
2. How much time do you devote to your activities? Tai chi = lots since I have classes to go to and I pay a LOT for them! lol
3. What is something you've always wanted to do (learn a language, skydive, etc.) that you haven't allowed yourself the opportunity for yet? Hmmm... good question...
Would be fun to learn to brew my own beer
2. Depends on how much time I have. I'm not one to sit still for very long, so as often as I can
3. I really want to learn to play the gutiar. I already read music and understand cord structure now I just need to learn how to finger and strum them
my little powder puff