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I must've spent the last 4 hours researching strollers -- aaah!! So now I'm thinking the Quinny Buzz might be the way to go. What're your thoughts??
*bowing to your superior stroller knowledge*
Re: ***sue_bride***
Thank you for the compliment, but I don't think my expertise is that high! One thing if you are a big stroller user (my mother says she never saw someone use the stroller as much as we do), get the rain shield if it doesn't come with it. (wait, I now see it does) We have used it on trips when it is ok to be outside, but don't want the baby to get wet or if it is really cold out and you want to protect them. We also have a footmuff for our winter walks, but that is a perk not a necessity
The quinny looks cool, I would just make sure it is stable with only 3 wheels. I would ask how it handles on a bump area or up and down curbs. Love how the handle reverses, but again my dh hates reverse on the bugaboo since it drives differently, so make sure you try that too. The canopy looks a little small on it and I see one reviewer commented on it. I think if you test drive it and you love it - it would be a great choice. I think another one that is very similar is that Britax.
BTW you can buy an aftermarket cupholder for any of these european style strollers (My dh has a bmw and I don't know what the europeans have against cupholders).
Did you read these reviews?
I am looking forward to my quest for the perfect double stroller. ; )
BTW - where do you live? I am more of a Boston girl vs. a NYC, so I know that Magic Beans in Brookline has a great selection of strollers. I bet it would be worth the trip to a large store like that. And I find it funny that I only had a snap and go too because I couldn't decide before Sara was born.
Thanks! So we tested the Quinny today and a) it's heavy as sh!t and b) the wheels are really far apart (which I guess helps to stabilize, given the front wheel) but leads to a very wide "stance." I would imagine it would be hard to navigate. So the Quinnies -- Buzz and Zapp, even though I have my eye on a Zapp once DD gets a little older -- are out of the running.
After looking at a number of strollers, the two that I'm considering are a) the Maclaren Quest and b) the Bumbleride Flyer. Totally different I know.
Mac Pros: LIGHT, great for traveling, DD looked adorable in the gray/powder pink (which looks like lilac to me) combo and seemed very happy in it, easy to maneuver.

Mac Cons: Crappy canopy would require the aftermarket purchase of this hideous thing REALLY bad basket. These are both important to me.
I liked the Technos a lot, but I found the handles to be too tall (I'm 5'3" -- are Maclarens made for giants?)
Bumble Pros: Can move DD so I can view her as we stroll, looks very comfy, GREAT handlebars, good maneuverability, great canopy and recline, footmuff included, nice basket.
Bumble Cons: Kind of big, kind of heavy.
Any thoughts??
Btw, we moved to CT from NYC, so if anything, we go there more (and we're much closer), but Boston is a great city.