My doctor called w/ the quant results. Given the negative test this am, after the positive yesterday, I was expecting "borderline" results, like maybe 20, which would be just close enough to the cutoff that I would understand why the results were different.
But NO. In fact yesterday's quant was FIVE, which per the lab is actually a negative (5 or less). Huh? This was about 10 hours after the very clear PREGNANT result that morning! You all saw it, right?
So now I have no clue where to go from here. I guess it's another chemical pg. With that result, I don't even see the point in doing another test tomorrow (though I'll ask the OB).
If this is it for this cycle, I'm going to try to meet w/ my OB next week to talk about where to go from here. Maybe an endometrial biopsy during luteal phase. I don't think we're going to actively try for a couple months....I need a break from charting and all that, and the timing isn't as good (having a baby mid-semester). If it happens while we're not trying, all the better, but I can't do this waiting game and then not even be able to trust the results. I'm sure after a few months, I'll be dying to get back to charting
I can't believe how disappointed I can feel after only thinking I was pg for a whopping 24 hours. KWIM? It's crazy how fast you can get attached to the idea of the baby-to-be.
So if you could spare a few hugs, I could use them about now....
Re: Update:
aw man, that stinks
lots of (((hugs)))
HUGS to you. And it isn't silly at all to become attached after 24 hours and then feel disappointed.
Is it possible that the eggs are fertilizing, but not attaching? (heck, I don't know if it is possible or not)
I'm sorry, Spencer. Seeing the - result after a + is heartbreaking.
Thinking of you . . . hugs!
Im sorry. I'm sendings hugs and a quick butt pinch your way to make you smile.
I hope everything works out for you!
Oh, Spencer, I'm so sorry!!
All the (((HUGS))) you need coming your way. I am so sorry.
((BIG HUGS)) coming your way! I'm so sorry! You never know though. A lot of people get pg when they do relax & take a break from trying so hard!