I went to the Dr. Everything looks ok, but she ordered blood tests and an u/s to be safe.
She said I could either have small kidney stones or I could have "sludge" in my gallbadder, or it could just be the way the baby is in there that is aggrevating something.
I did the bloodwork today- but Jefferson Radiology couldn't take me until NEXT Tues for an u/s. So, she said if I feel worse to call and they'll have me go to the hospital for an u/s...otherwise just wait.
So- I guess we'll see. My guess is by Tuesday if there is anything in my gallbladder it'll have worked it's way out. Until then she said try and eat healthy and drink tons of water. I'm feeling ok now...pretty much the same way I was this morning.
The baby is doing good- nice strong heartbeat and some good solid kicks while she was listening. That's the important thing!
Re: update- for those interested.