Connecticut Nesties
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1. Do people have a misconception about you?
2. Have you ever had a misconception about someone and were surprised to learn you were wrong?
1. People think I'm a lot more calm and collected than I am. But it's very busy and frenetic in my head most of the time. My mom is the same way.
2. In general, I always think that people have it more together than I do. I love to learn I'm wrong about that and find their vulnerabilities endearing.
Re: Poll: Misconceptions...
1 - People think my personal life is all peaches and cream. It's not that it's bad at all, I just don't think people realize how hard I tend to work to please people and keep my friends around me.
2 - I have a friend who has been unfaithful, and it was surprising to me to learn why and just how "unperfect" her seemingly happy marriage is. (Not that I thought it was perfect, but you know what I mean)
2. Not really...
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1. Do people have a misconception about you? I think people think that I have my shite together and I really don?t. I pretty much live moment to moment and hope something good happens.
2. Have you ever had a misconception about someone and were surprised to learn you were wrong? I?ve labeled people as stuck up/snotty based on their quietness/aloofness only to find that they really don?t know how to talk to people and are more nervous than stuck up.
1) I have been told that sometimes ppl think I am snobby... usually it comes from some shyness in certain groups
2) Im certain I have, just cant think of anything right now...
2. One of my really good friends (before we became good friends) came across as only wanting the best of the best at any cost- spends $$ just to spend $$ type, but one of the biggest bargain shopper/coupon cutter I know!
1. I am very quiet and standoffish when I first meet people so some people assume I am a b*tch . In reality once I get comfortable you cant shut me up.
2I had a friend in college who always talked of being a nun and I always held her up high on the moral pedestal. Turns out she was also a fan of getting drunk and sleeping around. I was dumfounded when I found ot. .
1. I honestly don't know what other people think about me.
2. Yes, I was surprised to find out how wrong I was about one person even though I always assumed in the back of my mind that they would be just like everyone else. So, I guess I just hoped they were different but was always pessimistic about it.
ften than I care to admit.
2. When I first met one of my coworkers I assumed we would have nothing in common, now we are really good friends.
2. Have you ever had a misconception about someone and were surprised to learn you were wrong? I had some judgments on certain moms before I had DS, but I've changed my mind now that I'm in their shoes.
1 - I think people think I am always on top of things and very on-the-ball. Whereas, in my head I am always telling myself that I'm not doing it right, or I have to work harder. I don't know if that's misconception or just poor self esteem on my part. lol.
2 - When I first met my now-best friend, I thought she came off as a snob and too "girly girl" for my liking. I was wrong!
(She knows this and we joke about it all the time! She didn't think I was very likeable when we first met either.)
2. Have you ever had a misconception about someone and were surprised to learn you were wrong? Yes, it happens all the time. I think I rely too much on "vibes" when deciding what I think of people.
2. All the time. I am trying more and more to get to know more people and try to not rush to judgement.
2. I thought my DH was a typical party-hard frattish kind of guy when we met, and that is not who he is at all. I was surprised - and thrilled - to learn that he is the most compassionate, caring, giving man I have ever come across...although my dad is a very close second.
2. Have you ever had a misconception about someone and were surprised to learn you were wrong? Na, I'm usually right on the money with peeps. LOL....j/k. There are a few people that I thought were snotty-arse beyatches that in the end, were just shy.
2. Yes - just last week I met a guy I talk to on the phone almost every day. Not at all what I expected in person.
1. Do people have a misconception about you? I've heard a few people say they think I am either a. unhappy or b. stuck up because I am not outgoing and the natural expression on my face is serious-looking.
Oh, also, people seem to think I'm a hard-working overachiever because I do well in school, but I really am a horrible student. I procrastinate as long as possible, and when I finally do something, I don't put that much effort into it.
2. Have you ever had a misconception about someone and were surprised to learn you were wrong? There is a woman I have some classes with, whom I had met once prior to starting my program. My initial impression of her was that she was unfriendly and thought she was better than everyone else. As it turns out, she's actually incredibly sweet and a wonderful person!
1. People think I'm always in a bad mood because I'm not bubbly at all. Now that's I'm in a job where it's more like "customer service" I am trying to change that. I not nearly in as many bad moods as people think.
2. I thought my BF had the perfect marriage and family but have discovered that this is not true.
2. Have you ever had a misconception about someone and were surprised to learn you were wrong? I was BFF with someone for 2 yrs and we were so close that I asked her to be in my wedding and she turned around and told me she didn't approve of DH and said no. Turns out, she wanted to get pregnant and thought this was the best way to tell WHAT?
2. No. I generally don't assume someone is one way or another. I take people as they come and in each moment/instance. Someone may be having a bad day one day and be a total biotch another but if they are good in their heart, then I don't pereive them as being a "b!tch". I don't place judgements on people and place them in a category so I don't often learn I'm "wrong" about people and my "expectations" are rarely too high.