Connecticut Nesties
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Not sure if you saw my page from a while back, since I think it got buried. How was Gypsy?
And you like OLP too? I always thought they were only big in Canada & border towns, so I was surprised when David Cook picked one of their songs. So have you heard of the Tragically Hip, perchance?
Re: ** Octoberbride **
Gypsy was incredible! I saw it with Bernadette Peters a few years ago, but Patti LuPone put her to shame! And that's saying something. It was wonderful. . .
I remember you mentioning Gui was a Canuck
Unfortunately, I was unable to turn Mike on to the beauty that is Canadian music, so I'm forced to listen to the Hip on my iPod. Ah well.
Glad to hear Gypsy went well! My MIL and GMIL have tix to see them sometime soon, so they'll be glad to hear Patti doesn't disappoint. I think Mike & I are starting a tradition of seeing a B'way show as our anniverary gift, so I should start looking into shows - any rec's?
That would be my rec - but there are lots of good shows out there. You've seen Wicked already, right? If you haven't seen that - go to Wicked. It's awesome!