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depressed about return to work
I go back in two weeks and am beside myself about it. I've been having nightmares and am crying when I think about leaving DS. I'll do 1/2 days for the first 2 weeks. My heart is breaking.

How did you/do you deal with the transition?
Re: depressed about return to work
Well, I often say I'm missing the 'mom' chip b/c I really wanted to go back. I actually have a harder time with it now than I did at the beginning (so I know how you feel more now than I did then, if that makes sense).
I feel like even situations that aren't exactly how you'd like them to be get to be 'normal' after about 2 weeks. It's a matter of plowing through the first few days.
I forgot if you said he'd be going to daycare or if you had family/friends watching him? The 1/2 days will definitely ease the transition. If you can start on a Wednesday or later in the week, that also helps.
And you just really enjoy evenings and weekends.
I am in the exact same position. I cry every single day about leaving DS. I go back in 3 weeks and will start full time. Even though DH will be home with DS for the first week I feel like I will be missing out on so much. I know that will give them some much needed time alone, but I can't help but be the one wanting to be with him. I also have to remind myself that I am lucky because I am only going back to work for about 7 weeks and then I will be off for summer vacation. My Mom will be watching him until the end of the school year, so I know he will be in good hands.
I honestly have no advice for you. I know we won't be the first working moms, so I guess we just need to realize that our DS's will do fine without us. Mom's do this every day.
We will have to keep in touch as it goes. I think that you, Lisa and I all go back around the same time.
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