South Carolina Nesties
Dear Community,
Our tech team has launched updates to The Nest today. As a result of these updates, members of the Nest Community will need to change their password in order to continue participating in the community. In addition, The Nest community member's avatars will be replaced with generic default avatars. If you wish to revert to your original avatar, you will need to re-upload it via The Nest.
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Thank you.
Note: This only affects The Nest's community members and will not affect members on The Bump or The Knot.
OK this one is totally self-serving:
Does anyone have any good headache remedies? I'm fighting a migraine today and can hardly sit up straight. Staring at the computer to work is about to do me in.
Headache remedies I know
(Pain pills obviously)
hanger around the head squeezing temples
pressure point in that fleshy area that connects your index finger and thumb
Anyone have anything else?
If someone wants to post a "real question" by all means go ahead 
Re: Today's Question: 3/19
Ok, this works for relieving stress and getting rid of headaches that I've had.
Drop your jaw/open your mouth and place your index or middle fingers lightly in the "fleshy hole" behind your jawbone-right in front of your ear-you should feel a little dip-that's where you place your fingers. Rub your finger gently up and down for about 2 minutes at a time. Other that that, try to relax. :-)
This is very similar to my normal routine, but unfortunately we have a big event at work today, so I'm the command center between our coordinators and the journalists who are covering the event. There are 9 days a year that I absolutely can't take a sick day and this is one of them.
Though I've pumped myself full of coffee and sweet tea, held down some crackers long enough to take some aleve and excedrine, and I have the blinds closed.
That along with staying warm (had to use a blanket, my power strip is full so no heating pad) and rubbing by my ears (which I'd never heard of, thans Mrs.D) has helped a TON
When I posted earlier my headache was at an 8 with some nausea, with 10 being completely useless, laying on the bathroom floor.
Now I'm at like a 4, which is WONDERFUL.
I've also been known to wear sunglasses at my desk. People look at me like I'm crazy, but it helps!
Married 05.24.08
Missed m/c discovered 07.25.12 at 8w5d- Always loving our Peanut
BFP #2 EDD 06.08.13
"For this child we prayed..." (1 Samuel 27)
So excited to meet Amelia Catherine!
Coming from the Dr. that I work for... 2 motrin and 2 tylenol (I use aleve, even though it's not the same) taken together works better than prescription strength drugs (hydrocodone, etc.) and much more cost effective!! I've done it for my migraines when I'm out of my prescription migraine meds and it works pretty well. HTH and Hope you feel better!
Holy crap the thought of dealing with 8th graders while having a splitting headache makes me want to go load a gun. It is clear why I'm not a teacher... (or a parent.)