Sue-bride makes some great points about helping your child develop good sleep habits. Unfortunately, we're in a situation where DD hates her bottle and hardly eats. She eats best when she's half- or mostly asleep, resulting in her best bottles of the day being right before bed and when she wakes at night (we even used to wake her in the middle of the night to feed her!). She's starting to do better, and we'd like to start lengthening the time between her last bottle and when she goes to bed, but I'm not sure how to go about it. And, I'm not sure for how long to aim for between the bottle and when she goes into her crib. We seriously used to feed her and she'd fall asleep while eating in our arms, but lately, we're able to feed her, she's still awake, and we put her down awake. But, she's still getting that bottle right before bed. Any tips, suggestions, advice? Thanks!
Re: F/U to sue-bride's post - a ?
Otherwise, I always recommend an hour or two at the bookstore looking through the different books. They are reinforce the same things. - no crutches for sleep, putting them asleep awake but drowsy, bedtime between 7-8 (the younger closer to 7, older closer to 8), same routine every night, etc.... Based on where you are in your childs age and sleep habits will guide you on what you need to do.
you can still help her sleep habits and give the bottle at bed.
We had the SAME issues- never took bottles, best one was at bedtime, woke him to feed him, then moved to feeding him IF he woke up.
We gave him a bedtime bottle up until he was a year. Then we moved to a sippy w/ milk and he still gets that just before bed.
The point was to just have a routine down. So, at 7 we got him in his jammies, read him a story and gave him a bottle in his room w/ the lights dim so he knew it was time for bed.
Eventually he starting taking a full bottle at bedtime and didn't wake up to eat anymore in the middle of the night.
We definitely let Sara take bottles to sleep and I can't remember how we broke it, but I think we moved it earlier in the routine.
sounds like you are doing all the right things.
If it makes you feel better- Elizabeth is getting more formula then my little guy did at that time. We were lucky to get 12 oz a day in him...and our doc also said 16 at that time.