Thanks to everyone who reported to the original thread from Thursday night... it means so much to me, and the support system here just blows my mind! You guys are amazing...
Ok.. so the weekend just KEPT getting BETTER after the thursday night visit to the hosptial...
Aaron slept through the night, and woke up feeling... ok-ish the movers were scheduled to arrive at 8am on Friday morning, so I got some breakfast for the hubby and told him to stay in bed till the movers were ready to actually move our bed...
He had a lil bit of breakfast and then the movers packed up everything they were supposed to (We went with Leaders and they were GREAT, thanks to all for those who reccomended them). That took about 2 hours... then we drove over to the new house with movers, about 1/4 of the way through unloading Aaron said he was feeling worse then he had the day before and really needed to go back to hospital...
since the movers were there I called one of his friends who was down the street at work, had him take Aaron to the hospital, heandled the movers and then went back to the hospital...
our second ER experience was much "better" then the first, if one can say such a thing...
they were more attentive, but still after about 4 hours found nothing really wrong, they diagnosed it as acid reflux, similar to what you all had said, with the anxiety/exhasution combo... this time the prescribed some drugs and made him drink some nasty meds to calm tummy before sneding him home...
I got him home, made him eat and then put him to bed
in the mean time . . . i just kind of chilled for a bit...
we had been scheduled to go to my parents for the weekend due to then returning from India the next morning, and them needing us to pick them up from the airport... i wasn't sure about going with everything else going on .. so i played it by ear.
My sister came over from campus and after aaron woke up we got some dinner and he was able to hold it all down and was basicially about 80% well.. he was pretty sure he wanted to head to my parents so that we could help them out... so after much diliberation from my end we decided to go.
We got on 71, with my sister following in her car (which she had b/c my rents were in india and she didn't have a ride back to campus from their house after spring break). . . .
we were past 36/37, in the middle lane when i look in the rear view mirror to make sure she was good... as I look back I see a pick up truck with a trailer attached in the right lane moving into the middle lane, only bad part was my sister was in the spot he was trying to move to!!!!
he hit her car, he jackknifed his car, and then his trailer hits her again . . . this is the part i saw
we pulled over and got out to see what to do
aaron called 911
and then i backed up the car to get to her
when i got to where she should have been her car wasn't there... i found out after some craziness that her car got bumped to the median of 71... slid on slick mud across the OTHER SOUTHBOUND lanes of 71 and then landed in a ditch on the OTHER side of the highway...
the only thing about it all, she didn't Hit or get hit by ANYONE ELSE other then the original guy
god only knows how... because we all know 71 is usually crazy and how she was spared to walk away from the wreck without a scratch on her, i have no idea, but i am so super thankful.
the guy driving truck got cited for improper lane change
we got the car pulled out of ditch and towed
and then we just drove back to our own house because we were too scared for a 2 hour car drive at that point
the next morning after sleep
we all got back in the car and drove home
when driving past site of wreck we could see random peices of her car on the side of the road
we got home safley, aaron feels fine, the car will be fixed . . .
and now aaron and I are ready for some "boring time"
because there was wayyyyyyyyyy too much excitement for both of us these past few days... (and not good excitment either)
thank you all again for all your kind words and support.
Re: hosp follow up + moving + car wreck :(
What an awful weekend. I am glad that everyone made it out ok. I will be sending restful wishes your way.
What a yucky weekend! I am glad that everyone is ok. I am shocked to hear nothing happened to your sister. I almost crapped my pants just reading it. ha. The accident sounded pretty terrifying.
Enjoy your new house! I hope your week gets better.
YIKES!! And I thought I had an exciting weekend. Sounds like you two need a vacation.
OMG! So glad everyone is ok! How scary!! (all of it!!)
Sounds like you guys definitely need some boring/old fogey/married couple time... uneventful!