Friday is my last day at this job. For those who aren't familiar, I've worked the last few years as a leasing agent, and just took an opportunity as an assistant manager of a different apartment community that's turned out to be a total NIGHTMARE. Honestly, worse than I ever could have imagined. So, after 2.5 months, I threw in the towel and said it wasn't worth it, and now I'm looking for a new job.
Honestly, I'm tired of sales. I'm tired of being told exactly how to do everything and being graded on it (we'd get mystery shopped by phone twice a month, and in person by video once a month, and if you didn't ask exactly the right questions, in exactly the right way, and ask for the sale at least twice, you got dinged...and you had to get at least a 95% every time to pass, or you'd get written up. You also had to have at least a 33% closing ratio...not very easy, considering that we were at Easton, so we got tons of walk in traffic just shopping around).
Anyway...I digress.
So, I'm looking for another job. I'm looking for office type work, in a smaller office. I do not work well in high stress, fast paced environments, because I like to really get into the customer service and details, and you just can't do that when it's assembly line customer service. I'm tired of being treated like just another number, and an inferior number at that. I want to work somewhere that I can really make a difference.
Any ideas?
They didn't have you where I come from...never knew the best was yet to come...
Re: Jobs?
I think that we are hiring but I cannot remember what positions are open and my HR manager is not here yet. You can go to and it should have an online app and a list of positions. HTH!
I also second the temp thing. The best man from my wedding is doing that and recommends it.