We are in the process of building our new home. It was "suppose" to be completed mid April. There is no way that is going to happen at this point. May 1st we are offically homeless. They say best case scenario it will be done May 5th worse case May 25th. The builder is really not working with us at all. Do any of you realtors know what I should expect the builder to help with or what they could be doing to "hook us up" from this inconvenience? The delays were their fault and the weather. Also where can I live for a month? Our closest family is a hour and a half away. I guess we could stay at a hotel, but that will get expensive. And we cannot find an apartment that will rent for just a month.
We are considering walking away from this and buying an exsisting home. We love the house and do not want to do that, but may not have any other choice. At the same time we are getting so close we could end up homless going that route as well!! Please help!
Re: Homeless May 1st!! :(
What about staying at an extended stay hotel? There is one near Easton.
Sorry your builder won't be ready in time. I hope they reimburse you for the extra expense.
More than likely, they won't reimburse you for those expenses. That's kinda what happens when you build in winter (we had the same issues with weather). Are you in an apt now? Can you extend your lease a month? Or, if you're in a house, can you rent your current house from the buyers for a month?
Tell him you'll paint and/or pay full rent.
You don't want to move TWICE, so it will totally be worth it if you just do some manual labor for him. (Or hire it out).
Our builder is Dominion.