I can't believe it I was in a meeting with 3 other people today and 2 of them stopped the entire meeting to take a phone call. Yes a phone call. I had to sit listening to their conversation for 15 minutes each so I know it was not an emergency.
So to all idiots who have no clue of common courtesy: Seriously if you are in a meeting let it go to voice mail and call back later. Better yet turn off your phone or don't even bring it, then you won't be tempted to answer it. The wasted 30 minutes of my time could have actually meant I could eat lunch before going into my next meeting. Having to wait until 2:30 for my lunch isn't healthy or exactly what I would perfer to do with my time. So nextime just think about how other people really have better things to do than to sit and listen to you on the phone. And no I don't happen to care what your title of the company is, or that you just might be above me, it's still rude.
Re: It's simple respect VENT