I'm going to try to make this as short as possible, here was my lovely day:
Left Columbus at 9:28 am
Arrive at IKEA 11:00 am.
On the way DH says he hears the car making a noise. Upon exiting the freeway, a very loud, evident noise is present. We call our local (fab) repair shop, and describe said noise. They say they think it sounds like the engine and we can't drive it home. They give us the number for a shop a few miles away from IKEA. I call. They offer to come to IKEA and listen and see if it is a engine noise. (very generous) It is pouring.
I should add: we drive a 2004 Toyota Matrix
2 little old men come to the parking lot, get lost, and in the process DH and said little old men get sworn at by IKEA employee. They check. It's engine trouble. I cry. They leave. IKEA man parking lot man comes and chews us out for the men coming to check the car. Apparently "other parties to check cars" are not permitted on IKEA lot. I cry again.
I make eleventy billion phone calls. I flag an IKEA employee down. Looks like car has to be towed from lot. Don't want mean man yelling again. Nice man is a BIG manager. He apologizes eleventy billion times and buys our lunch.
I had bought the extended warranty (first time ever and against my better judgement) on the car years ago when we bought it '05. I find out this is supposedly under warranty.
We have to:
A) tow to local cincy toyota dealer
We can;t all fit in the tow cab, and babies carseats don't work
C)Rent a car to get back to Cols and leave car in cincy.
We eventually are towed, call a cincy friend, install carseats, move babies, move entire contents of the car, get to dealership, unlaod entire contents of the car including babies in huge convertible carseats in their waiting room, wait, find out it is indeed an engine problem, only to be told:
They have to take the whole engine apart, this takes 10 hours, and find the EXACT probelm, before they will pay for the fix.
Dealership is awesome. Rent us a 2009 Camry. We get home about 6:30.
I'm trying to be positive. We were able to shop for 30 min, and I am thankful we didn't have a rod go through the engine block in the middle of BFE on 71, but I didn't get all the stuff I wanted, and the twins sale is tonight and I missed that too.
We plan to make IKEA trip #2 when we go back to pick up the car.
IKEA itself was not bad...3 min wait for foor, no wait to check out, busy but not ridiculous, and everyone except mean parking lot man was super nice. And they had a special BFing room.
Re: My IKEA debacle
What an adventure. Cannot believe you went through all of that (and had the babies with you). I have never been to IKEA. With everyone talking about it lately, I think I want to go now (just not the way you did)
Hopefully you will get your car back soon.
Glad you guys made it home ok. And I'm glad you got to shop for a little bit.
I hope your trip back there is a better one!
OMG, Meghan....((HUGS)) It sounds like you're handling all this a bunch better than I would be! After bawling my eyes out, I think I would've cursed some people out.
I am SO glad the dealership people and everyone (except stupid IKEA parking lot dude) were so helpful! Sometimes it's really hard to find people that are so nice. I have to think it's karma for you--you're getting back what you always give.
At least you get to go back to IKEA.....
wowser! what a crazy trip.. i'm soo sorry it was so crazy, but i'm really glad that the engine trouble happened when you guys were together ... so you didn't have to deal with poopy people.. or be alone with the twins and dealing with the car situation....
hope it all works outtttt!
The parking people there are terrible!!! I think they are contracted people for the opening. A bunch of morons in my opinion. They gave us trouble too. Meanies!!