I wear my contacts everyday so I'm looking for people who wear them often enough to need to refill their prescription yearly.
When you have your yearly exam, are you charged a "Contact Lens Fitting Fee" every time? If so, is it covered by insurance at all?
This fee seems like a bunch of crap to me but I wanted to see if you all were being charged this too. I could see it being charged once when you are originally fitted, but why would it need to be charged again for a yearly checkup? I just had my yearly checkup and was charged $69 for this (not billed to insurance). I was not fitted for contacts. The doc just checked on the ones I was already wearing, which didn't involve any extra equipment or supplies. Why would I be charged this fee again?
Re: ***Contact wearers***
i also pay it every year. the amount you pay varies based on your dr. I asked the last time why I had to pay it, about $70, and they told me that b/c contacts are considered cosmetic nothing associated with them is covered by insurance. total crap, IMO.
Yes, doctors will charge this at every appointment, and it is necessary, because your eyes actually change shapes as your grow older, which can cause the need for a contact lens refitting yearly. And no, most insurances won't cover this, like pp said, because in their eyes, contacts are a cosmetic option, and not a necessity.