I have a wonderful friend who just married a manipulating girl. It isn't obvious manipulation, but after being around them for awhile, its very plain to see that he no longer has control of any choices in his life. (Kinda like the guy who is in the radio ad who has a girlfriend that controls EVERYTHING he does.
We used to be BEST friends, now the new couple won't come over to our house because we have beer. We are rarely invited to their house, and when we are its with restrictions. He is not able to go anywhere with out his wife. I am so frustrated because I know I can't make the choices for my friend, but I miss him so much. And, she is such a gatekeeper that I can't even get that message to him.
Second part
My uncle was in a very similar relationship, and he wife just died. Now, my uncle has no friends, only his sister that he talks to. He did have 2 friends, but they died within the same month as his wife. I am so afraid that this is going to happen to my friend too!
I am just made at the whole blasted situation I want to scream!
Thanks for "listening" ladies.
Re: Vent: Manipulated Friend (LONG)