I posted this in my blog but thought I'd share an update. I went to Starbucks on Monday and the girl puts a sticker on my coffee sleeve and says "bring the sleeve back in for a free tall coffee". So on Tuesday, I bring in the sleeve and order my $4 coffee drink. They proceed to put the same sleeve back on my drink. So Wednesday, I go into Starbucks again (I felt like I was cheating them so I walked in just in case they remembered my car:)). I order my $4 drink, hand them the sleeve and they used the same sleeve yet again! So every day this week, I've gone there and the same thing has happened. Can you believe it? $20 worth of free coffee for me this week - WOO HOO!
I wonder if I'm not part of some study. I can't help but feel like I'm cheating them but if they're going to allow it, why not? I think about whether they are testing a)My loyalty, b) If I'll keep the sleeve and reuse it c)The sturdiness of the sleeve, d)If it does take 30 days to form a habit - maybe I'll continue to go in and buy drinks after 40 days.
The sticker says that it's good until 9/2008. Am I going to continue to get free coffee through September? Holy Cow! The trick is to remember to remove the sleeve and put it in my purse each and every day.
Re: Did I win the Starbucks Jackpot?
lol.. with the new job being in a buliding downtown that doesn't have a coffee shop i have gotten used to picking up coffee on my way in at starbucks, and I think my whole "raise" is going to end up going towards coffee