Columbus Nesties
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Lately I feel like I'm the only one that isn't pregnant or has a baby. Never used to let it bother me until I turned 30 now I seem to worry about it all the time. Hubby is not ready, I am close to feeling ready. We have a lot going on right now. Signing papers today to start construction on our new house. Would at least like to be done with that before baby comes. Plus I worry about having trouble getting pregnant etc. Sorry just needed to vent a bit...and wondered if anyone feels the same way.
Re: Anyone ever feel.....
I don't really know how you feel since I do have a baby. BUT, I will say that I never thought I was ready. I was scared to death to be pregnant and be a Mom. It scared the crap out of me knowing I was soon going to be responsible for a little person. That little person counted on me for EVERYTHING! YIKES! I just wanted to agreee with you ont he fact that you are never really ever ready. And unfortunately....we are at that age when the majority of people are having babies. My one sister ( I have 5) is 35 and chose not to have children and sometimes I feel like she is jealous because us sisters that do have babies are so much closer. Anyways...totally got off the subject there. But we are always here to listen! Don't be too least you don't have to find a babysitter when you want to go to dinner with your husband!
You'll get to having kids soon enough and then you'll get a whole new set of worries/concerns. Like "What was I thinking?" and "Will I ever sleep again?"
I'll be 30 in 3 weeks, and I'm divorced, but living with my boyfriend of 9 months, and it's just that stage in my life where I'm ready, really ready in my heart, to get pregnant. But there are obviously things that we need to happen before we get engaged, let alone get pregnant.
It doesn't help that all of my old high school acquaintances are on my mySpace page, and all have at least one child, some even two or three. I have no friends without kids...therefore, I really have no friends, b/c they have a different type of life than I do, so it makes it hard to keep being friends with them.
I'm right there with you...I don't know what the magic solution is, though...I guess it's just dealing with time, until it's time to happen...
We'll see, but I'm not getting any younger either! I'll be 33 in 6 months....