HI.... I know I post on here every once in a blue moon but I'm going crazy here and nothing is helping whatsoever. Just need to vent I guess...
So back around Christmas time I started noticing that my hair was falling out around my hairline. I just attributed it to stress (e.g., working my butt off before x-mas to make up for the time i was going to miss when i was back home in MI). Except it's just gotten worse and worse, to the point where big handfuls of it come out in the shower and everytime I brush it. I have fine, baby-thin hair to begin with, so you can imagine how horrible it's starting to look now. I had my blood tested, and was told it was all normal. I went to the derm and he said it was psoriasis and gave me oil to put on my scalp at night (back in Jan) which sort of helps, but it's still falling out and not growing back. I finally had about 6 inches cut off on Weds to help decrease the tangles and handfuls of dead hair...except now there's absolutely no body left in it so it just hangs there limp and lifeless, so i just put it in a nasty little pony tail every day because there's nothing else I can do.
Not really sure what direction to go next. I've already been to my pcp 2x and the derm once....I'm pretty sure it's partly if not mostly stress related as I am the only one bringing in any sort of income at the moment...Do i go to an allergist? an endocrinologist? I'm clueless. Anyone have any recommendations on what to do, eat, vitamins to take, etc? Majorly bummed about it all
Thanks for listening, I know I don't really know any of you and don't mean to dump on you but I'm just kinda at the end of my rope Any input would be very helpful
Re: Can i please vent ??? :)
Hi. I'm just a lurker here, but wanted to say I'm sorry you're going through this. I have Alopecia Areata, and know what it's like to lose your hair. I actually lost 90% of the hair on my head, my eyelashes, and my eyebrows. Thankfully, it all grew back (creams twice a day and shots every 6 weeks for about 2 years).
When the hair loss started, my PCP did all kinds of tests (thyroid, liver, and a bunch of stuff I can't remember). Everything was normal. She sent me to a Dermatologist and that's when I got the diagnosis of Alopecia Areata. Did your Derm mention this as a possibility (or definitely rule it out)?? I only ask because your hair loss sounds exactly like how mine was (starting at the hairline and creeping up?). Anyway, I'd go back to the Derm with concern that you're not seeing much stop in loss hair loss or any regrowth...and ask if it could be Alopecia Areata (more info at NAAF.org).
Anyway, sending you best wishes. Feel free to PM me if you want to chat.