We have about had it with Time Warner?s HD cable service (w/DVR). This thing messes up just about every other day! We have called so many times, and they just keep saying that they do not fully support the HD service yet, and that they were forced to put it out. They are trying to fix the problems, but in the meantime we have to pay for crappy cable. So of course we are considering switching to DirectTV. Does anyone have DirectTV in the Delaware (city) area? It is worth the little bit of more money than cable? Have you ever had any problems with DirectTV?s HD service/box? Do they have to drill into your house to add the different cable line?
Does anyone else have a problem with Time Warner HD service or is it just us?
So many questions, I know!!
Thanks for your help!
Re: Direct TV vs. Time Warner HD
However, we don't have an HD receiver. I believe an HD receiver with DVR (which we can't live without now) is around $300+. A regular HD receiver is much much more affordable (only $20 maybe?). But because we want the DVR we're not going to spend the money to upgrade. Instead we bought an HD antenna for $15 and get all of the basic channels in HD (almost 15 channels). So we can still watch all of the big sports games and network programming without having to buy their expensive receiver.
My DH and I have Direct TV (but in Pickerington), and I think we have had pretty good service. We have never really lost the signal (well last night the HD channel during biggest losser froze up, but we had some massive wind going on, and it was only for a minate.
I really don't have any complaints.
Best of luck!
Oh I forgot to add we have the DVR and never have had any issue with that. We have always had our shows record.
We had Direct TV at our old house in German Village and always had great service. And very rarely had problems.
In our new home, we have Time Warner and the service stinks.
Here are my thoughts on the two. While I highly recommend Direct TV, three things to consider: (1) You have to have buy a box for every TV. Since our old house only had two tvs (one in living room and one in bedroom), this was feasible. In our new house, we have four (one in living room, one in media room, one in workout room and one in bedroom). It would be cost prohibitive to have that many boxes. (2) Direct TV doesn't have as many "bundled" services -- so you will likely decide to get internet and phone through other carriers. Our experience is that TW's other services work well. (3) You literally have to "buy" everything for Direct TV -- the DVR, the satellite, etc. Its not super expensive but is an "up front" charge.
Anyway, as much as TW sucks, we're sticking with them for those reasons. Hopefully, this helps.
And one other thing -- on Direct TV you don't always get local television -- if that's important to you. For example, I really missed getting "Local on the 8's" on the weather channel.
Thank you everyone for your help!
the only cable company offered in Delaware is Time Warner so we are stick with them unless we get Direct TV.
I found a deal online for
for direct tv, that the receiver would be free after a rebate?..
so you can?t ?lease? their receivers like any other cable company?
It has it's own problems, but for the most part, we are really happy. Satellite does go out during bad storms but you would have that with DirectTV too.
Unlike what the pp said about DirectTV, we have two TV's hooked up with one HD box. I'm not sure what you have to do if you have more TV's than that though.