I have 15 Nestle Good Start Supreme Infant Formula cans (12 oz green cans) that will expire next month on April 18th. I EBF so don't need them but would hate to see them go to waste. They are brand new, untouched, unopened. If you are interested, you can have them for free as long as you are willing to pick them up from my apartment in Culver City. First come first serve, just let me know how many cans you want. Email me at mikeebio@hotmail.com
The reason we have so many cans is because DH's uncle is a pedi and he gave them to us at my baby shower last year. We kept them thinking that if breastfeeding didn't work out we'd use them. I EBF so we completely forgot about them until we were cleaning out DD's closet yesterday. Took them out and noticed that the expiration on them is next month so thought I'd post here in case someone wanted them ASAP. Otherwise we're just going to end up throwing them out and it seems like such a waste.
Re: Giving away new/unused cans of Nestle Good start formula (westside area)