Thanks to everyone for your kind words and thoughts. Staying overnight in the hospital is not as cool as I thought I would. Basically, pretty uncomfortable and people waking you up all night long to stick you with needles or take your BP. Also, the babies have to be monitored for 1 hour 3x per day via NST which some of you mommies may know is not the most comfortable experience.
My blood work today came back worse than yesterday so I have to stay at least another day so they can see if it keeps getting worse tomorrow. So, looks like I'll be here till Wed at least. Then they will decide if I can go home, stay a couple more days on the high risk floor, or head down to L&D and "take" the babies.
Re: Update: Hotel RIverside
thanks for the update. I'm thinking of you guys
((hugs)) It's hard that there's nothing you can do but sit and wait. I was hoping you'd get to go home. But, there's still hope for tomorrow! Do you have everything ready at home just in case you do have to deliver?
I was on coninuous. THAT, my friend, is sheer torture. I hope you stay on 3 one hours.
I am still praying.
Hope things go well for you and the babies-you guys are in my thoughts!