OMG, I just can't believe it, he is just amazing...and 2 weeks early...thank you Lord!!! I just can't believe he's mine.
Short version (Adam's notes):
2:45 am - Water Breaks
3:20 am - Checked in to St. Ann's (3cm dialated, 90% effaced)
5:15 am - Jody gets a popcicle and using birthing ball and breathing through contractions (4 cm)
6:30 am - Get pain meds through IV (6 cm, not epi, similar to laughing gas, still feel everything, but my mind doesn't care)
7:45 am - Epi (9 cm, I didn't even feel it go in!) (I CAN'T BELIEVE I MADE IT THAT FAR!!!!)
10:00 am - Labor Down (10 cm)
11:20 am - Started to push
1:28 pm - Weston Cy Hewit is here! (Jan. 20, 8 lbs. 8 oz., 20.6 inches)
It was such a positive experience, everyone was wonderful! Adam was an amazing coach. I think the trick is staying calm, and having no expectations.
I am feeling really good, just sore and tired.
Re: Weston Cy is here and we're home :)
Soooooo cute! And exciting
Congrats to you and the family!
Congratulations!!!!! Welcome baby Weston! He looks beautiful and perfect and healthy and so cute! (and HUGE compared to my teeny baby!). I can't wait to see more picts and hear more about his little personality.
Sounds like things went pretty well with the labor and birth ... sooo great!!
Happy Hugs!!!!!!
: )