Columbus Nesties
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I'm at my sister's house as of last night. I was a nervous wreck yesterday afternoon at work and when I left the office, I figured he would be asleep when I got home as usual. But he wasn't. He didn't cry, his eyes welled up a bit but that was it. He actually smiled and laughed a bit. He told me our marriage wouldn't be failing so much if I wasn't such a ***. Etc. Etc. Etc. It hurt me a lot even though I know they are just words, I couldn't help but let them sting. I'm heartbroken and I wish things were different but they aren't. Oh and he said he got on the one adult site to see if I would go through his things. I usually don't do that, unless I know he's lying to me. Although I know it doesn't make it right. The (Rydemyshaft user name) he said he has had that email address since he was 15 and he probably signed up way back then b/c he doesn't remember it. He get daily matches and messages so when he checked his email, how would he not know he was on that site still? Yeah. He sent me a text message after I left saying that he knew for a while I was leaving and that now was not the time. He finally said that now was not the time because he had been praying to God for a sign that he and I weren't meant to be together. Then my phone died.
Re: Update.
You certainly did the right thing!
I'm so sorry you're going through this. It takes a strong woman to walk away and start over. I wish you the best of the luck and I'll keep you in my prayers.
I am so sorry you going through this. Good for you for leaving. I can imagine it was a difficult decision for you. What a jerk!!
Messaged from God. *snort* He is a piece of work. Thanks heavens you are out!
I'm really sorry that things have been so tough on you. He sounds like such a jerk. Don't let him put this all on you. It's not fair. You've been more than patient in trying to get him and your relationship to come around. I'm so glad your sister is there for you. Good luck with everything.
I'm so glad you got out without TOO much drama. Did you get your things (including the TV)? Were you able to secure your money?
I've been thinking so much about you and am so glad you're with your sister now--he is so toxic and, like some of the other girls, I'd love to beat the crap out of him for the way he makes you feel. You're such a strong woman to be able to take care of YOU finally. ((HUGS)) You know we're here if you need ANYTHING.
It really is very revealing that during the moments you're telling him you're leaving, he's STILL lying and making excuses and blaming the situation on you. I think the only sign from God anyone needs is a phone that dies in the middle of that conversation.
Stay strong and best of luck in the coming weeks. I hope your internship comes through and gives you the fresh start you need and deserve. Please keep us posted and let us know if you need anything.
praying to God for a sign?
No offense but he's a little creep.
We can chat about this tomorrow night
If you are like me, hearing people say bad things about him won't help you. It will make you have twinges, wanting to defend him. DO NOT take this as signs that you still love him and should not give up.
I realized I would want to defend my ex because I felt is was a reflection on ME and my choices. because if he is THAT BAD, as bad as what people were saying, what does that say about my intelligence!?
In the end, we only know part of the story, and of course it is the bad part, because how often do people come on here and seek assistance for the GOOD stuff?
From experience, you probably won't feel better hearing/reading the insults to him; although, Meghan said everything I wanted to
. It sounds like you've been taking care of him for awhile. And I just want to give you encouragement to stay strong and look at all the positive stuff in your future!