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Our friends want to take us for Indian food tonight..we're going to this restaurant: know nothing about Indian (other than what you guys told me before)--I need information about what things taste like, what you recommend....and, more importantly, what the healthiest choices are. Help!
Re: Indian Food Help!
I love chicken makhani, but it isn't very healthy, as it is a tomato and cream/butter based sauced. It looks, from the menu, that the chicken curry would be healthier, if you want something with a sauce to it. Otherwise, the chicken tikka kebabs would be really healthy. NO SAUCe, probably, and just flavorful grilled-ish chicken.
If you ever want to make Indian on your own, I have a great Weight Watchers Shrimp Vindaloo recipe!
What I like is the eggplant bhartha, it's eggplant puree with spices (and probably cream/ghee) and tastes so good with the rice. This might be a good option for you as well since it's mostly vegetable.
Have fun!
I love vegetable samosa, channa batura or channa masala (channa are chickpea dishes), aloo goobi (potato and cauli), vegetable curries (I don't eat meat).
Oh my goodness, what a lot of options!!
I'm willing to let go of the "diet" (not really a diet...more my choice of the way I eat) a little bit, but we're also planning a huge dinner the next night with them, so I was *hoping* to get a tiny bit healthier.
But I'm willing to try whatever.
So the recommendations sound good, but I know nothing about the spices or anything that we'll be trying....I'm definitely nervous! I used to live across the street from an Indian restaurant and by the end of the year, it was not a pleasant smell to me anymore!