Saturday 1/5 evening:
Okay, so we figured out that Riverside has wireless. Why on earth do they NOT advertise this?? Yay.
I'd like to post a link to my picts in Kodak Gallery, but am I allowed to do that on the Nest?
Anyway, I'm in a lot more pain today -- but I did finally shower and that felt good.
More important, little VIENNA ROSE is doing great -- she's been keeping down her feeding for the past 24 hours and hasn't needed the feeding tube anymore. This afternoon, they even increased her formula and she's taking it like a little champ. Peter and I are still learning how to get her to take the bottle -- she's got some little quirks and doesn't make it easy on us, but the nurses in the NICU are pros and after we struggle for 30 minutes, they get her to finish a bottle in 5. We haven't been able to hold her as much as we'd like to because they don't want to exhaust her and spend all her energy, while she catches up in her feedings. So that's frustrating, but we know it's best for her. No new updates as to when they expect her to go home -- it will really just depend on how she does eating, gaining weight and holding her own body temp, etc. She's tough, though, so I think it will be quicker than 3 weeks.
I'll be going home probably on Monday, though my Dr might find a way to extend me another day. I figure I'll stay as long as I can get insurance to cover it!!
Thanks again for all the lovely wishes, thoughts, etc....
: )
Re: Update from Riverside
I love love love that name!!! Its in my top ten, easily. So pretty.
Also, of course, glad to hear her eating is improving. I am sure you will figure it out in no time.
So glad to hear that things are going well Isn't that first shower wonderful? Makes you start to feel like a real person again!
Just take the link from the email that your DH sent out and put it in a Nest post. You can also change it to a tinyurl ( first, to make sure the link doesn't break up.
Congrats again!!
Sending you lots of good thoughts and prayers.
What a pretty name. I love the city of Vienna - easily the classiest city in Europe. I've never heard a person named that, but I REALLY like it.
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