Hi everyone,
Thanks for all the love and concern... I appreciate the good thoughts and prayes.
I delivered my little baby girl 4 weeks early, yesterday, January 3rd, via c-section. She measures in at about 32 weeks gestation, but her lungs and everything else are strong and functioning great on their own.
Everything went well, and she is just amazing. She was only 3 lbs, 11 oz at birth, and today was down to 3lb, 8oz, but she's breathing fine and her only issues center around feeding. She's in the NICU and will probably have to be there for up to 3 weeks, while they figure out why she can't keep any food down. I'm trying to pump to get my milk to come in, and she's got a feeding tube now in an effort to get more nutrients into her.
We think she's just the most beautiful baby in the whole world, of course. : ) I'll try to figure out how to upload picts to my bio ASAP.
Everyone at Riverside has been wonderful... aside from getting lost every time on the way to/from the NICU, we're having a great experience here.
My Dr made all the right decisions -- and I'm grateful for how things have turned out. I'm sad to leave her here when I go home on Monday, but I know she's in great hands, and I'll be basically "living" here anyway!
I'm feeling better than I thought I would after my c-section. In pain when I'm moving around, but otherwise, I'm doing fine.
Re: Thanks everyone! (and Baby Update)
Congratulations on a healthy birth! I can't wait to see pictures!!
okay, I just uploaded 7 picts to my Nest "gallery", but I don't know how to find them again. Can you see them?? Hope so... if not, I'll have to figure out another way to post a link to picts on here. Any suggestions?
If you don't mind me doing it, I'll help you out and add some pictures to this post
Here's a couple from the email that your DH sent out last night... She's SO beautiful!!
Hmm... well I just converted Anya's BMP's to JPEG's and uploaded them to my own online photo-sharing account, so this is my last try! DH is yelling at me for being on the computer when we're supposed to be working on the nursery.... LOL
I can see the pics in Julie's last post - thanks Julie! She is too cute - Congrats Anya!
(She did post her name on the Cbus Baby Board ~ I think Shanna saw)
Such a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations! Hopefully she'll figure out the eating thing soon with a little help.