Columbus Nesties
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A recent trip to the dentist is the inspiration behind this poll 
1. How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
2. Do you floss? How often?
3. What type of toothpaste do you use? Do you switch it up or consistant with one brand?
4. Do you use any whitening products? What kind?
5. Do you use any extra flouride products or just what is in your toothpaste?
6. Do you use mouthwash? What kind?
Re: POLL!!!
2. I floss every morning.
3. I either use Aquafresh or Crest. Which ever is on sale at the time.
4. No. I did one time and it hurt my gums.
5. Just toothpaste.
6. Twice a day. Either Listerine or Meijer.
1. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? 2 times usually (before sleep and when waking up)
2. Do you floss? How often? uh... the week before i go to the dentist
3. What type of toothpaste do you use? Do you switch it up or consistant with one brand? colgate crest or the like
4. Do you use any whitening products? What kind? Nope
5. Do you use any extra flouride products or just what is in your toothpaste? Nothing additional
6. Do you use mouthwash? What kind? Listerine, but not super often
2. Yes, everyday.
3. I switch it up.
4. I had an impression of my teeth done at my dentist, and I use their bleach. Usually once every1-2 months.
5. Nope.
6. Yes, everyday.
MMM I love going to the dentist
1. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? 2x
2. Do you floss? How often? Once in the evening
3. What type of toothpaste do you use? Do you switch it up or consistant with one brand? I use Colgate cinamint
4. Do you use any whitening products? What kind? Crest 5 minute whitening strips
5. Do you use any extra flouride products or just what is in your toothpaste? Whatever's in the paste
6. Do you use mouthwash? What kind? Listerine the orange one.
1. Atleast twice if not more
I never use it and get yelled at by the dental hygenist every single time I go in for my appointment.

2. Floss? What's floss??
3. I use Crest Whitening
4. I have in the mom brushes her teeth with hydrogen peroxide. She OK'd it with our Denist and her teeth looking amazing. She's a smoker and you would never know!
5. No...there's enough floride in tap water.
6. If I use mouth wash I'll use SCOPE Whitening because that's what DH uses and it's always on hand in the bathroom.
I have to brag...I've never EVER had a cavity before
2. Do you floss? How often? I hardly ever floss. I get on a kick about once every other month where I will floss every night for one week.
3. What type of toothpaste do you use? Do you switch it up or consistant with one brand? I always use Colgate Total Whitening Gel.
4. Do you use any whitening products? What kind? Other than my toothpaste, I used Crest Whitestrips for my wedding (the original kind) and my teeth were really white for about a month or two. My teeth were pretty sensitive after using them though.
5. Do you use any extra flouride products or just what is in your toothpaste? Nope!
6. Do you use mouthwash? What kind? I use Listerine when I am on my floss kick every other month for a week.
2. Do you floss? How often? Yes, but not often enough.
3. What type of toothpaste do you use? Do you switch it up or consistant with one brand? Colgate Max Fresh - same kind every time.
4. Do you use any whitening products? What kind? No.
5. Do you use any extra flouride products or just what is in your toothpaste? Just the toothpaste.
6. Do you use mouthwash? What kind? Listerine Cool Mint
1) Once. Maybe twice if they feel fuzzy.
2) Next to never...when I have popcorn in my teeth or something.
3) Doesn't matter to me--whatever I get free at CVS.
4) Nope, my teeth are sensitive and I'm not willing to take the risk that they'll be more sensitive.
5) No, but I've used ACT in the past
6) Nope!
Okay, my oral hygience kind of sucks....guess you shouldn't let me breathe on you next time you see me