Columbus Nesties
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can I vent about the ILS please?? (long)
So they showed up Nov. 19th and I've tried to hold off with my complaining, but I just can't take the stress right now. I feel like an emotional wreck and I hate not being able to just deal with my emotions and myself in the privacy of my own home.
I realize life could be worse and a lot of you are going through worse, but there is nothing like having non-English ILS in your home, while trying to go through the last few weeks of the biggest change of your life with your hormones out of wack.
DH has been really kind and helpful giving me breaks, taking them out so I can be alone, but its just not enough, and I feel HORRIBLE complaining to him when he is under so much stress, trying so hard to be there for me, getting no alone time of his own, and the poor guy is torn in the middle.
I could go on and on, but I'm guessing you can get the The worst part is that my ILS are the sweetest people and would do anything to help me. They aren't cruel and mean....
Re: can I vent about the ILS please?? (long)
I have a feeling it could be worse than that...wouldn't it be worse if they WERE cruel and mean?
But you're right--you're already going through a HUGE change...just like when you were getting married and they were invading your space. It's nice that they want to be here for these big events, but it doesn't give you much room to deal with your own emotions and it surely doesn't give you space to deal with it with P. ((HUGS))
Just think, though, you could be doing it in a much smaller house....
So are you back in the house or are you still escaping the garlic?
It could be worse, obviously, but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck. Frankly, you are crazy. Your hormones are out of control, you're at a huge point of change in your life, and you're doing all of under less than idea you're not only chemically crazy, but you have plenty of outside influence too.
I'm not sure if this would work, but could you have them go to a hotel for a night or two? Offer to pay for half or something? Or can you be the one to go away for a while? From one hermit to another, I can just feel that you're dying to be alone for more than a few hours, and being literally away is the best way to get that. I know that it could be awkward, but there's plenty of historical precedent for peace and seclusion shortly before you give birth, and it sounds like you could really use some of that.
Check your email in a few minutes, too.
:::more hugs:::
Mother's Day, 2011
I'm sorry you have to go through this - my ILs are coming just for this weekend and I'm dreading it. Somehow it's just soooo different with your own parents. That is a very long time that they are staying with you.
Can you have some friends come over for lunch or dinner or just hot cocoa/dessert to distract you a little?
Hugs to you. My friend's ILs are from Masedonia (sp) and they don't speak any English either and they were here off and on through this entire year (she had baby number three in Aug). I'm sure they are great people. It just stinks when you really just want to be alone. HUGS to you.
It was great to see you last night. You look too cute pregnant (as did all of the other mommies to be).