Hi all! I've been out of the loop a bit lately so I just wanted to put a "hello everyone" post out there. Things are going great for us. Maisie is growing so fast. She's just over 2 months old now. We had her 2 month well-visit last week. She weighs 11.4 and is 22 3/4 inch long. She also got all of her shots. Oooo boy, was that rough! She cried and cried and so did I. She normally doesn't cry much at all so it was terrible to see her in pain...although she was sound asleep about 5 minutes after the shots.
It was awful! I'm so glad that's over!
I was fortunate enough to work out an arrangement with my boss, so I am back to work, but only part-time. I work 3 days a week. The first day back was really hard, but it's working out really well. My mom has been watching Maisie on the days that I work, until we find a permanent solution. My parents live 2 hours away, so my mom comes down Mon. night and leaves Thurs. night when we get home from work. If it weren't for her, I probably would not have been able to stand going back to work...even part time. But it's all working out.
I hope you're all doing well. I think Maisie's going through a little growth spurt. She slept a lot yesterday and it's looking like today will be the same. So, hopefully I can catch up on posts. Take care everyone!!!
Re: Hello!!!