I saw this on the Parenting board and thought it would be fun to see the answers on here. List 10 things (or as many as you can think of) about yourself that don't involve your DH or kids.
1. I have lived in Ohio my entire life
2. My high school was grades 7-12, I started with over 700 students in my class but only graduated with just over 300
3. Until I went to college, I thought it was completely normal to eat chili with spaghetti
4. I have only been to Cedar Point once
5. I started school when I was 4 and graduated when I was 17
6. I played Clarinet in my high school marching band and we made it to State every year
7. No one in my immediate family has ever been divorced
8. My proudest accomplishment is that I was approved for a mortgage to buy my house alone (without DH's income)
9. I managed to total two cars before I turned 21

10. I always loved working in retail and I wish DH made enough money that I could work in retail now
Re: Stolen Poll: 10 things about yourself
Golly...not involving my kids or sean...did I have a life before them?
1. I was born at Riverside
2. My parents were married for 26 years before getting a divorce.
3. I was a cheerleader for 10 years
4. I have two sisters and a brother who are all 10 years older than I am
5. I was robbed at gun point while making a drop at the bank as a assistant manager at Gantos
6. I had a full ride to OSU and gave it up after my mom became very ill. (If we only knew then what we know now!) I only spent a year and a half there!
7. I had oral surgery when I was 15 and my mouth was wired shut for 3 weeks. I was down to 89 pounds.
8. I have started a thriving and successful photography business all on my own.
9. I love Krispy Kream doughnuts!
10. I have an obsession with flip flops and white tank tops!
1. I am the first one in both my mom and dad's family to receive a bachelor's degree.
2. I have worked for the same company for 8 years.
3. I have held my current position at that company for 6 years in January.
4. I have been to Guatemala for a Work and Witness trip in 1993 with my youth group.
5. I have been in two bad car accidents that have not been my fault.
6. I used to work at a grocery store with both my mom and my aunt.
7. My favorite color is blue.
8. I have been wearing glasses or contacts since the 3rd grade.
9. My favorite movie is the Notebook.
10. My favorite music to listen to is Country
2. I was first runner-up to Miss Dance/Drill Team Ohio and paid for my freshman year in college with dance scholarships.
3. I always eat one thing at a time. I can't stand to mix my food and none of my food can touch on my plate.
4. I have never been to Cedar Point.
5. I worked in radio for 12 years.
6. I was in drill team until my senior year in high school. I then taught myself to twirl baton and was co-captain of the majorette squad.
7. No one in my immediate family has ever been divorced
8. I am prone to talking baby-talk to my cats.
9. I have 7 pets--2 cats, 2 dogs, 2 (really, really gay) rabbits, and a frog.
10. I wish DH made enough so I could work part-time because I would love to be a part-time SAHM.
1. I've moved 10 times in the past 10 years.
2. I grew up in upstate NY.
3. I've been to 18 National Parks.
4. I'm the only girl out of all my siblings and cousins in my entire extended family.
5. I was a signature away from becoming an Army officer.
6. I was the president of S.A.D.D. in high school.
7. I won my fifth grade spelling bee.
8. I never paid more than $20 for a prom dress.
9. I spent semesters in London and Sydney.
10. I love any and all reality TV.
2. I have a southern accent, but grew up in Laurelville.
3. My favorite t.v. show is Desperate Housewives and I am really poed that it wasn't on last night.
4. I have a lot of tattoos of ICP clowns.
5. If Dh would let me, I would put a couch on my porch.
6. I drive a 87 Dodge Ram.
7. I am 5'3" but I often tell people I am 5'4".
8. I lost my licence when I was 16 because I was racing down Winchester Road.
9. I've always wanted to be a musical composer for an orchestra.
10. I have a bad habit of taking in stray kittens and I'm allergic.
1) My dream job is a dolphin trainer
2) I was the first person to be a 4 year letterman in swimming at our high school
3) I wrecked my first car when I was 14
4) I played clarinet in high school
5) I received a 4 yr. tuition scholarship to OSU for being 1/4 hispanic
6) My oldest pet was a cat who lived to be 22. I got her when I was 3.
7) I love peanut butter M&M's
8) In highschool I dreamed of moving to Montana and marrying a cowboy
9) My dream vehicle is a big ole pick up truck (honestly!)
10) My parents have been married for 30 years
1) I started school when I was 4 and graduated when I was 17.
2) I played trombone in the HS marching band and we also went to state every year
3) I played trombone in the Ohio State University Marching Band 1999-2003
4) I got cut once from the OSUMB when there were 65 trombones trying out for 24 spots
5) I've never worked in retail
6) My first "real" job was umpiring girls' softball games early in high school
7) My parents are one of only two couples in my extended family (my aunts and uncles--my parents are each one of five) to not get divorced at least once (most more than that)
8) I've gotten pulled over twice in my life and both times got away with a warning after I cried (not on purpose).
9) I've never actually "dated" anyone--all guys I've ever gone out with were friends first, so we didn't actually go on dates, really.
10) I have a secret love of karaoking. One of my best friends has his own karaoke business and lots of times I'm one of the only ones singing, although I was in middle school the last time I sang in front of anyone previously.
1. I am an only child but have 7 step brothers and sisters.
2. One of my brothers and I share the same birthday, July 5th (he's 4 years younger).
3. I've marched in the Tournament of Roses Parade, the Orange Bowl Parade, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the Miss America Parade and played at both the old and new Browns stadium and Buffalo Bills.
4. I worked at the Athletic Ticket Office for 4 years while attending Kent State University.
5. I never changed my major in college. I was accounting all 4 years.
6. I've never lived outside of Ohio.
7. My favorite book of all time is The Polar Express. My mom and I read it every Christmas Eve.
8. I almost didn't pass my driver's test the first time. I came out of the manuverability cones and almost hit my friend who was going into them.
9. I swam for the same summer swim team for 13 years and then coached them for 2 years.
10. I would rather have cereal for dinner than make something 'healthy' most nights.
1. I played the clarinet in junior high and until my junior year in highschool.
2. I broke my own nose by jumping over the seats on a bus. My knee rammed right into my nose!
3. I'm the only sibiling in my family to receive a four year college degree.
4. I have taken a Greyhound bus from Ohio to New Mexico at least three times.
5. I was on probation my 10th grade year of highschool because I helped some friends mustard a car of a girl they didn't like.
6. I have two beauty pagent crowns (Miniture Miss Overall Queen, Teen Beauty Queen).
7. I cannot sit indian style because I was born with a congential hip disorder.
8. Both of my parents have been divorced twice, as have I.
9. I earned a scholarship to Columbus State but passed it up because I decided not to go college because of a man!
10. I have always wanted to be a homicide detective.
2. I played the piano from 4-18, and miss it REALLY badly.
3. I had a chinchilla in college, but had to give it up to a rescue because I was an irresponsible prat.
4. I desperately miss the East Cost, and would happily be long distance if Mike got a job at UCONN and I could move back once I finshed my exams.
5. I love my new Macbook and will never go back to a PC!
6. If I had it all to do over again, I'd have ignored everyone who told me I couldn't be good in maths and sciences because I was a girl and aimed for med school.
7. Or I'd have stuck with music or photography.
8. But given my lack of a rewind button, I'd really just like to grow up to be a novelist or essayist.
9. Coffee with Baileys is worth every second of the acid reflux pain it causes me.
10. I've come to the conclusion that I'm really just too lazy to drop those last five pounds, and have decided that my energy is better spent loving myself how I am now. And I love it.
Mother's Day, 2011
2. I have been to a state park called the Craters of the Moon.
3. My dream job is to be an astronaut. I'd like to be the first person to step on Mars, even if it means I couldn't come back to Earth.
4. I won the Governors art contest in high school, they award the Top 25 entries out of thousands from the whole state. My drawing is still on their website.
5. I have given to charity since I was in junior high, even though we received charity still then.
6. I attended the same school at three separate times in my life- once in elementary, once in junior high, and once in high school.
7. I have lived in so many places that I don't have a "hometown"... I always struggle with what to write in that blank space.
8. When I was in second grade I was placed in a third grade reading class. I was so excited because that meant I could check out books from the library.
9. I have never broken a bone or had my tonsils out.
10. The only time I get baby fever is when I think about names.
1. I grew up in Northern Indiana
2. I have now lived in 3 states. (Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio)
3. I played Piano, Clarinet, Saxaphone in High School. We always missed state by .5 points. It really sucked. Indiana marching band is very cut throat.
4. I am left handed. Although I do a bunch of things right handed.
5. I have been to Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Sweden and 38 of the 50 States.
6.I got engaged the day after my younger sisters wedding.
7. Until I went to college I had never sprung forwared of fallen back, as Indiana didn't change time. (It does now)
8. I am addicted to Vera Bradley Purses and Accessories.
9. On our honeymoon we were on a black sand beach in Hawaii and I almost tripped over a sea turtle. I thought it was a rock.
10.My dad was a high school football coach and I was born after one of the games he coached.
2. I learned to read in Kindergarten, and I got to go to a 1st grade class for reading group.
3. I played clarinet in middle school solely because my mom wanted me to.
4. I played t-ball and then softball since Kindergarten, through High School.
5. I played volleyball in Middle School and freshman year.
6. I had brain surgery when I was 8 for a brain aneurysm.
7. I was Regional Vice President of Social Affairs for my Jobs for Ohio's Graduates program.
8. I learned how to swim as soon as I learned how to walk.
9. I made a vow to never work at McDonald's (or any fast food), and I haven't to this day.
10. I ran my car into the back of my garage because I put it in drive instead of park before getting out.
2. I never moved as a kid. The first time I ever moved was to college. My parents have lived in the same house for over 30 years. (it's their starter house HA!)
3. My first car accident was before I had my license. I was rear-ended by a man with Alzheimer's who thought he was in Akron.
4. I played flute from 5th grade through 12th and was in Marching Band.
5. I was in choir in HS even though I couldn't carry a tune if my life depended on it...I needed a class b/c I had too many study halls!
6. I wanted to be a Sports Therapist but dropped that as a major when I found out I'd have to work on Cadavers (sp?).
7. I had electrolysis done for over 2 years on my jaw line, chin, neck, and sideburns.
8. I LOVE Ravioli and Peanut Butter sandwhiches...together.
9. I've always wanted to sky dive, but can't b/c I get dizzy when upside down.
10. My favorite color is purple. Even my car is purple!
2. My parents have lived in the same house since I was born.
3. I love to travel but can never afford to go anywhere.
4. I didn't have a driver's license until I was 22.
5. I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 8 and my next door neighbor is the one who finally got me to do it.
6. I have some OCD tendencies.
7. My main goal in life is to be just like my mother because she's awesome.
8. I love Judd Apatow movies and TV shows ever since Freaks and Geeks was on the air and I get angry when people refer to Jason Segel as "Marshall" instead of "Nick Andopolis."
9. I love to be in plays.
10. I love video games.
2. I started playing soccer in 2nd grade and played all the way through high school
3. I started playing the Violin in Kindergarten and still play, I have my Grandpa's old violin.
4. I went to the summer olympics in 1996 and want to go to the winter olympics sometime in my life.
5. When I took the ACT, I felt so competitive with my older sister all I cared about was scoring as good as her. I scored one point higher.
6. I grew up riding horses.
7. I went to college in Missouri, despite never thinking I would go that far south. It turns out I actually like St Louis quite a bit (unfortunately that is not where my university was)
8. I have been to Europe twice, and speak German.
9. I am the only person in my immediate family that is not allergic to cats. I am convinced its by pure will power.
10. I am completely and utterly addicted to TV. Its really bad.
2. I went to 10 different schools by the time I graduated from High School.
3. I have never been ice skating before.
4. I wish that I would have pursued a career in radio when I was deciding what to do after high school.
5. I have never broken a bone...:::knocking on wood since the snowboarding season is approaching::::
6. I have the habit of clipping coupons every weekend but failing to use them before they expire.
7. I keep my desk meticulously clean at work but my desk at home is always a mess.
8. I am addicted to chips and dip of any kind...if there's a chip and if there's a dip I am on it.
9. I can't wait to be a RN and wish that I would have started school sooner so I would be finished by now.
10. I have never left the US.
2. I was the first person in my family to graduate college. My sister was the second.
3. I was introduced to the wonders of ranch dressing when I joined my sorority. Now I am truly addicted.
4. I was a cheerleader for 4 years in high school.
5. I graduated from Ohio State (undergraduate) in three years. I actually graduated two days after my 21st birthday.
6. My favorite movies are The Princess Bride and Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
7. My senior year of high school, we had to write a huge research paper in my AP English class (basically to help us prepare for college). My paper was named the best and I got a prize at our senior award banquet.
8. I went to Mardi Gras in 2004 and came home with two hangers full of beads
9. My favorite place in Vegas to gamble is the NY NY Hotel and Casino because I am truly addicted to the "Family Feud" slot machines.
10. The first time I traveled outside of the United States was the summer after 8th grade when my French class spent a week in Quebec City and Montreal. Quebec City is really pretty and quaint. I hope to go back someday.
2. I love spending time with my two chihuahuas, and it's even more fun when my dogs get together with my parent's three chihuahaus!
3. Speeding is a major problem of mine, I have had over 8 speeding tickets since I started driving...I am happy to report (knock on wood) that I have not had one in over a year.
4. I am not a fan of surprises...I usually figure out gifts before I get them, read spoilers about my favorite tv shows, and find out what happens in a book or movie before I read it or see it.
5. I am a house painting guru from having been a decorator at Sherwin Williams for over two years...I am great with colors, techniques, etc.
6. Bravo is my favorite restaurant.
7. I am extremely close to my mom-she is my best friend.
8. I am a vegetarian...for over 6 years now.
9. Iced tea and ice cream are my two of my favorite things.
10. I love Columbus and the midwest-although there are tons of other neat cities and places to travel, I am happy to call C-bus my home.
This will be tough...
1. I was born in Virginia.
2. I have a degree in Criminology from OSU.
3. I say I hate talking on the phone, but once I get going, it's tough to get me off (I think getting me to answer it is the obstacle).
4. I want to live in a place with a warm climate - like Arizona, Florida or South Carolina - and have been planning that move for quite some time (although it may never happen!).
5. One of my biggest fear is that I will lose my father - he's had numerous health issues in the past 20 years.
6. I was never close with my sister growing up, and we're still not close, but we tolerate each other.
7. I never liked the color pink until I was about 30!
8. I want to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity so I can learn how to do construction (just for curiosity's sake, and to help people!).
9. I would LOVE to be a foster parent, but none of my family would support that - they all think I'm crazy for thinking about it.
10. I need to lose about 40 lbs.! :-)
1. I was born at OSU hospital - lived in Hilliard, but grew up in UA. Midwest girl all the way
2. I was named best defense player of the year for Lacrosse at UAHS (upper arlington H.S.)
3. I have a very large tattoo on my lower back.
4. My sister-in-law is 10yrs old.

5. I live half a block away from my MIL.
6. I have the worst baby fever EVER!
7. Christmas is my favorite time of the year, next to 4th of July
8. Im older than my DH and he thinks it's great because I'll be 50 first
9. I have 2 little brothers who are my world! Love them!
10. I want to go back to school to become a wedding planner.
1. I declined a Native American scholorship to OSU and paid for college myself because I felt there were other Native Americans that needed it more.
2. My Mom left my brother and I when we were babies and my Dad raised us by himself (unheard of in the 70's)
3.My Mom then came back into my life when I was in college and I visit her all the time with my kids (she is in a nursing home)
4. I played the drums in high school and college but had to sell my beloved drum set to pay for my last quarter at OSU. (so I could graduate)
5. I have an Anthropology degree and I used to volunteer at the Ohio Historical Society in the artifact building.
6. As a child we were so poor growing up that my brother and I had free lunches at school.
7. My high school guidance counselor told me that I was not college material and not to bother to even apply. (I mailed her a copy of my diploma with a nice letter)
8. My brother and I were born 10 months apart and we are best friends.
9. I am left handed but do many things with my right. So I have to really think when someone says raise your right hand.
10. My immediate family consisted of my dad, brother, grandma, grandpa, and uncle when I was growing up. The only people left are me and my brother.
1. I was conceived on Sunset Beach in California (LOL!) and lived in California until I was 6.
2. My mom used to pimp me out as some sort of child singing prodigy - I did all sorts of gigs, a few paid, but mostly entertaining at a nursing homes and such.
3. Despite any talent indicated above, I have terrible stage fright and always do best singing with others.
4. I was chased by a man driving a pickup truck who kept showing me his hunting rifle (he was drunk and thought I cut him off)
5. My parents have been married 33 years, minus two separations when they lived apart for about 2 years each time.
6. I completed my Master's degree in a year (a year that is a blur to me....)
7. I bought my first home while I was single.
8. I've managed to both rear-end a porche and side-swipe a semi (in my more reckless days)
9. My dad's company has been around for a long long time, and I was the first 3rd generation employee. My grandfather worked in their airplane radio technology side, my dad is a technical reviewer for air force contracts and such, and I interned for the summer (made good $ for only converting classified documents from word perfect to word - lol)
10. I am a natural redhead -- though people have always doubted that and it's getting more brown every year ::sniff::
2. I'm a third generation percussionist.
3. Both of my parents took accordion lessons as children/teens. I try to discourage them from sharing this information.
4. As a 5 year old growing up in Detroit, I'd seen a lot of bumper stickers about Jimmy Hoffa. At a family summer resort, I proudly announced to my family that I'd found him. His name turned out to be Jimmy Hoffman, and he gave me mono.
5. My parents built my childhood home right before I was born, and stayed in it until I went to grad school in 2003.
6. I get twitchy when pictures on the wall aren't straight.
7. As a child, I was convinced that the 4th of July fireworks were in celebration of my July 3rd birthday. I think my grandfather may have had something to do with that idea
8. I developed a love for cut flowers from a summer job at a florist.
9. I love going to libraries.
10. I really miss Old Bag of Nails Pub and Jeni's Ice Cream since moving away from Ohio.
1. I lived in the same place until I was 18. Since then I've moved, 12 times (I'm 27 now).
2. I too have only been to Cedar Point once.
3. I worked at Krogers in HS and would let people use any coupon they wanted (regardless of if they bought the product or not). Needless to say, I was quite popular.
4. I never tp'd a house until I was 25 (bachlorette party).
5. I was the queen of prank calls in college.
6. I'm addicted to all reality tv.
7. I stalked Vern Yip from Trading Spaces in the Lowes in Dublin and spent $500 on lighting that I didn't need.
8. I hate not working.
9. The only state outside of Ohio that I've ever lived in is Florida.
10. I drove to Detroit in a snowstorm the night before my finals to see Prince in concert.
1. I was a cheerleader in middle/high school but couldn't try out for my senior year since we left for vaca that day.
2. when i was in elementary school i licked a bus window and my tongue froze. upon pulling it off it began to bleed.
3. in my college dorm my freshman year the neighbors were smoking pot and 3 of us girls hid in the shower when we thought the RA was in the room.
4. i went to school for 20 years
5. after doing so, decided i should do something else now that is more fun, like wedding planning or photography.
6. i worked at bob evans as a server in high school
7. i was editor-in-chief of my high school yearbook. and was also in just about any club imaginable. but didn't have any friends
8. messes/clutter/etc cause me anxiety but anymore it comes to a point where i am tired of cleaning.
9. i go back and forth about wanting/when to have kids.
10. we are looking to buy land to build a new house soon.