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Question about having kids.....
My DH and I have been married just over 2 years. I want to at least start talking about having kids, but every time I bring it up he keeps telling me to find $1000 extra each month in our budget to even discuss it. That response always makes my blood pressure rise and then the subject just gets dropped, because I don't want it to create a huge fight. We do have debt that we are slowly paying off and I think between both of us we make fairly decent money, not a ton but enough to support a child, I think. We definately don't live an extravagant life by any means!
I keep telling him that I can't come up with $1k per month extra just floating around. We have really cut stuff in our budget over the past couple years and there is nothing more that can be cut.
Why do I see people everyday that have kids that I am sure didn't come up with the magical $1000 per month to have them. I have even gone from wanting to be a stay at home to saying that I will work. I will be 31 soon and it scares me that we keep putting this off more and more and don't have good discusions about it.
Am I being totally unreasonable? Anyone that can shed some light on how much kids really cost I would love to hear it!
Thanks for letting me vent a little

Re: Question about having kids.....
Of course, having children is a huge decision and it is something that you and your DH will have to discuss and agree on first.
Ditto everything Jodi just said.
If you wait to have money to have kids, you won't have them. But you need to both be ready, even if that means waiting until he feels financially ready too.
Setting up my healthcare flex account for next year, I needed to withdraw $125/month just to cover my delivery ($1500 after insurance) and for the dependent care (daycare 2 days/week) for only 4 months of the year was something like $130/month for the year. And that's just 4 months, so next year it will be 3x that. But keep in mind that those costs are taken pre-tax, so you can mentally knock off 25% of that.
And then you add all other medical needs for the year (on DH's flex plan), diapers, food... etc. And that's assuming that you get all the baby stuff you need from showers/family.
But agreed - if I ever waited until the perfect dollar amount came along, I'd never do it. We'll make it work and cut back our own expenses to make up for the baby's.
I would talk to your DH more about it and ask if there is something else making him want to wait to start a family...
Good luck... and hopefully the two of you will be able to come to a decision together that you're both comfortable with.
Look at it this way we got $4200 in tax returns the year she was born, tell you husband that. NOW childcar does cost about 1k a month but I work at home so I pay a colelge student to help me out.
Question: He does want children, right?
I am really not trying to be snarky or mean. Without knowing your or your husband, it could be that he is using money and the $1000/month excuse to delay having kids or having the discussion to potentially have kids. Maybe he thinks that if he says it enough, you will drop it.
I hope you guys are able to have an open and honest discussion and come to an agreement.
Well, we don't have our kids yet so I don't know exactly how much it costs. However, I will say that if you and your DH are not on the same page regarding budgeting or money then it's probably something you should try to work out before getting pg. Being pg and having a baby is stressful enough on a marriage without having to worry about fighting about money as well.
I don't think it costs $1000 per month right away, especially if you are breastfeeding. However, if you don't have generous family members and friends, there is certainly an upfront cost to get the necessities like a crib, carseat, etc.
Obviously people who aren't financially prepared get surprised with babies all the time. But if you have the luxury of planning your pregnancy then these are probably issues you should work out beforehand. Research your insurance too in order to plan for what you would have to pay out of pocket.
I borrowed my sister's breastpump and just bought new attachments.
I ended up staying home b/c, in the end, after paying daycare, I woudl bring home almost exactly what I make now watching one baby full time and his sibling 2x a week.
Don't worry - it will work out. You won't be spending what you think once that baby is here.
hugs to you!