We went to the ER yesterday. I was having some light brown spotting and had a bad feeling about it. They did a pelvic exam, drew my blood and checked my levels, and did an ultrasound.
They said that I have a threatened miscarriage because of the spotting. I have no active bleeding and my cervix is closed. My levels were good and when they did the ultrasound they measured me at 5w5d (yesterday). There is a little flutter of a heartbeat. But, they said that there is a small hemmorage underneath my placenta. It apparently didn't attach all of the way. The doctor was kind of an a$$ about it, but the nurse explained it really well.
I called the OB this morning and am going in at 415PM. Essentially, the ER said that the odds are in my favor and that this can resolve itself. Or, it can make me miscarry. I am so scared and so upset. I don't want anything to be wrong with my baby. Please pray for us.
Re: We need prayers for us and the baby
I'm so sorry. I hope everything turns out okay. I will be thinking about you. Let us know how your appointment goes later today. (((hugs)))
My sister had this too. I don't think it is ALL that uncommon. She was on modified bed rest...could still teach, just had to sit down a lot until the placenta/baby was big enough to stop-up the tear. She spotted here and there for the whole first month (at least).
I think relaxing and no aerobic workout will help! And your DH will need to do all the shopping
Mother's Day, 2011
Hang in there and keep us posted!
(((HUGS))) You are in my thoughts & prayers - please let us know how the OB appt. goes.
Sending good thoughts your way!
I'm so sorry -- I can imagine how scared you must feel right now. Keep envisioning your baby nestling in tight and the placenta attaching well, and everything resolving itself okay.
You're in my thoughts.... I hope it turns out to be okay!!