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I am putting together my hospital bag (Riverside) and confused by a couple things and was hoping for some advice.
What do I bring to wear after delivery? Around the house I wear pj pants and a sweatshirt, but I imagine if they are checking you all the time and your trying to BF that I won't want to be wearing an outfit like that. I have heard a nightgown?
Do I really need a robe?
Would nursing tanks work for in the hospital until I come home and can go out and measure up for bras?
What about underwear? I've heard they put you in underwear like pads, so do I need my own underwear?
Thanks girls!!
Re: moms-hospital question
Yoga pants and a tank top and Addidas sandals. When I went to see faith in the NICU I wore Yoga pants and the hospital gown so we could have kangroo time.
No, you don't need a robe but I brought a nice fluffy big bath towel from home. The towels are small.
Nursing tanks are great. They are nice if you are BF and or pumping (if need be).
I wore my own undies and I had a c section. I wear the hiphuggers from VS and they sat just above my incison and were wonderful. And they (my hospital did) provided me with nice pads (always with wings) and I had no problems with bleeding.
ARE YOU OK? Did I miss something about you being on bedrest? What is going on? Whatever you can do Shanna don't deliver early. Let that little girl cook! I know from experience.
You're a planner, so am I! I have already been thinking about my hospital stay bag. We will probably pack ours just before Christmas and keep it by the door, or in our car when we go up North just incase
My friends have said large nightgowns (even nursing nightgowns) are best for during and right after L&D, that way you don't have a bend over to put pants on and such, they said it was just more comfy. I will have my maternity velour sweat suit for my going home outfit because it is so comfy. And the robe is just for if you want to walk around, or if you get cold easily, otherwise no need. I am going to bring underwear, but I had also heard that they give you Depends to wear for a couple hours or so.
Here is the packing list that St. Ann's gives you that might help:
I bought 2 nightgowns at JCPenney (make sure they have long row of buttons in front if you plan on breastfeeding) amd I bought a robe at Target. It was nice to have my own since I had a soft one from home and could wear when I did my walks in the halls.
You will want something since the gowns they have are wide open in the back! They will provide you one, but it was not as nice and cozy as mine.
You can wear a nursing tank but you will still be in your gown, so I would just get a gown with buttons in the front and wear that and just have the tank for when you get home.
You do not need underwear. They will give you these mesh-like things and the loooongest maxi-pads you have ever seen. You will bleed alot so don't bring your own, just wear theirs.
Good luck with everything!
I don't have advice for what you would need during labor...but the day Ella was born (c-section)...i wore their gown and underwear...i couldn't get out of bed until 12 hours later and then it was the middle of the night...I don't recall them checking me often after the first day.
The next day I showered and then I wore a long-sleeve t-shirt and work-out pants that were stretchy. I wore their underwear at the hospital and took the extra home and continued to wear them. I think a nursing tank would be fine.

Oh, and i recommend slippers for walking the halls.
My biggest advice would be to PACK LIGHT! you won't believe how much stuff we managed to acquire while there and we didn't use even half of what we packed.
As for underwear... wear what the hospital provides for as long as you can. I think that this is the part of having a baby that is most often left out. You can find all the information you want about what happens leading up to and during the birth, but it leaves out the after. I was not full expecting what happened afterward. Not a painful surprise, just gross... if that gives you any idea.
Just my advice without getting to disgusting.
I wore the gowns they gave me the enitre time. I also wore their underwear for the first 24 - 36 hours probably. After that I switched to my own undies. I never got my nightie out of my bag. I did use my robe for a little bit. They were checking me out quite a bit so I just stayed in what they gave me.
I wore nursing tanks when I got home with a zip up sweatshirt over them. Then I went out for bras later. I know you didn't ask but I had a terrible time finding bras. I tried everywhere. I was going to order a Medela bra online but then saw the Gap store at Polaris carries them. I love it and highly recomend them.
I wore a nursing tank and pj pants. I also bought cheapie Hanes big granny panties because I just couldn't do the fancy mesh ones, but I knew that going in. I was able to just throw them away and not feel guilty. The best thing ever was the ice packs that they gave that were just frozen always pads...WONDERFUL!
I never used a robe, but second the fluffy towels from home and whatever small soaps/shampoos you like.
I pretty much wore nursing tanks for a solid two weeks as it just felt like I was feeding Brody all the time. The first few times I finally had to wear a bra, I used the Bestform cheap ones from Wal-Mart so that I didn't have to worry about ruining them while I got the hang of breastfeeding. They were actually pretty comfortable.
Not something you'll need right away, but as far as nursing pads go (if you're BF) I loved the Lansinoh ones.