just when I thought we'd have a nice, relaxing weekend.. my mom calls Harry about 12n. My dad was in the hospital...tells him NOT to tell me, she'll call at 5pm. I then call..she had textd me and not realized it w/no message, so I asked what was up. She goes on to say she's at home packing...at this point I had no idea..thought she was getting him jammies. NO! She was packing to come to Columbus to OSU! They life flighted him and as of now (10pm), he's in surg. They are trying to repair a hole in his esphagos (sp??? sorry!) and IF everything goes all right, he'll be here in SICU for 7-10 days. However, it's a very touchy surg and recovery will depend on HIM doing what they tell him to which our family knows will not happen. the last time he choked like this, they removed the food (poked a hole at the same time) and the next day he stumbled out AMA!!!
Please pray that he does what he's supposed ...and is ok!
Thanks all...you're the BEST!
Re: dad life flighted....
Ack - that's no good! I'll be thinking about your dad.
My thoughts are with your family. I hope your dad is ok.
I'm so sorry Beth! If there is anything you need please let me know. My thoughts and prayers will be with your family.
You, your dad and your entire family are in my thoughts.
Mother's Day, 2011