Hey ladies. I'm having a dilemma and I'm hoping someone can shed some light on the subject for me.
I was diagnosed with anxiety about a year before my wedding last year and it pretty much had disappeared by about a month after the wedding, so I had pretty much written it off. Well, it's rearing it's ugly head again right now. Work is just ridiculously stressful and isn't going to be getting any better in the next year (yes, I said YEAR). Home is fine and over the long weekend I was able to relax and felt pretty good. Of course, though, in the car on the way to work, I started getting that familiar tight-chested feeling again.
Some of you may know that we're considering TTC in the somewhat near future (were thinking maybe March/April) and I would want meds out of my system before that would happen, so it almost seems silly to go back on the anxiety meds again just for a month or two, especially knowing that the situation at work just isn't going to change anytime soon.
I've already talked to Krista about this some, who gave me some great relaxation techniques (thanks, Krista--I'll write you back soon, I promise), but I just feel like since I'm able to relax at home okay, it's more how I feel at work that's the problem. And no matter how much I do deep breathing and try to relax, it doesn't change the anxious feeling.
On top of the anxiety, my vertigo keeps coming back. I haven't had an episode since last Wednesday (knock on wood), but last time I didn't go a full week before it came back...so I expect it anytime and am wondering if it's related to the computer and my eyes (I have some convergence problems). But my PCP is sending me to an ENT (ears, nose, and throat doctor) on Wednesday, so we'll see what they have to say.
So I don't know if the vertigo is helping cause the anxiety or if the anxiety is causing the vertigo, but either way, they both need to go the hell away. It's impacting my life in a really negative way--I can't trust that I can drive somewhere on my own b/c I'm afraid I'll have a dizzy spell and I'm in constant neck pain with headaches b/c I'm subconsciously not wanting to move my head for fear it'll start off a vertigo spell. I can't take it anymore!
What I'm asking is what you would do...I'm okay with putting off TTC for a little while, I suppose, but knowing that work isn't going to change much, I don't know how long I want to do that, as we want at least 2 kids, if not more, and would really like to get started. Any thoughts or advice are appreciated...I'm just at a loss right now on what I should do so my health isn't so screwed up....
P.S. I realized recently that working out helped my anxiety some, so DH and I are going to get back on that wagon tonight, so I'm going to see if it helps, but if it doesn't, I'm back to square one.
Re: ? for all on anxiety or depression meds (or anyone with an opinion...)
I agree with Liz. I think I would start looking for a new job. Adding a baby to a stressful situtation isn't good. You'll be unhappy at work and busy at home with a little one. My advice, because I was once there, is work on fixing you, then work on a family. You have plenty of time to concieve. If you're not healthy both physically and mentally how will you take care of a baby?
I wish you luck. It's tough battleing anxiety. I had that for a year during and after my divorce. I'm proof it gets better, you just gotta work on it.
As for medication to help you get through it temporarily, I believe there are different things you can get or be prescribed that you would only take when really needed. That way it wouldnt be in your system full time and you wouldn't have to wait until it leaves to become pg. But you would get the short term effects.
I know how it feels to have anxiety attacks, mine have been getting worse this past year. I'm taking steps also to remove the biggest stressors. You're not alone! You have to do what makes you feel better, you have to protect your health!
I just don't know about getting a new job. Believe it or not, I do like this one...but we're going through big changes here at the university with a new student information system being implemented and I'm on the team to help do that (implementation date is June 2008...but support will be ongoing and we're starting testing within the next few months)--on top of doing my other work. I have a feeling things *might* get a bit better after this week, as my co-worker is returning from maternity leave and I'll only be doing about 1.25 jobs, rather than 2.25. So jumping to find a new job really isn't my preferred option....*sigh* I do like being challenged in this job and like learning new things--I'm afraid if I found something less stressful, it wouldn't be as fulfilling.
If I haven't already mentioned this, I'm a HUGE fan of the Nelson Bach Rescue Remedy Spray http://tinyurl.com/yt7bx9 It's clearly not a failsafe, and you'd obviously want to check with a specialist before using it during pregnancy, but I've found it fabulous for those times when I need to stop freaking out but also need to function.
Also talk with your doctor about the practical aspects of medication while pregnant. While it may not be ideal, and there are understandably few studies on the effects of new drugs while pregnant, there are still some things that are safer than others. There are plenty of medical professionals who will work with you to weigh the benefits so that you can function, with drugs if necessary, and still be as safe as possible for the fetus.
And don't add stress about returning my email. It's the last thing you need to be worrying about.
Mother's Day, 2011