I know some of you were interested in this and got my info on it. I also have the page on my profile on FB.
However, here is the info if anyone is interested. I will be walking/running (not sure about the running part, maybe a jog?) and working the event.
If you decide you want to do it, the info and registration form is below. In the referral part, please put my name (I need to raise $100 worth!!!!)
Thanks and let me know if anyone has questions, etc. It should be a great event!!!
website info: http://www.leecountyjuniorleague.com/UserArea/StaticPages/ArtWalkRun.asp
registration form: http://www.leecountyjuniorleague.com/uploader/registration_form_bifoldrev4.pdf
Re: JLLC Art Walk/Run 4/11
If anyone is interested or can pass along the info I'd greatly appreciate. Early deadline is 4/1 and you can sign up until the day of the race even at the event. I need to get $100 worth so please pass the word along. You put my name in the referral section.