I'm on the Booster Club Board at work, and we're helping host the Easter Egg Hunt. I had originally volunteered to help hide the eggs, like I did last year, but apparently the other group helping us host it already had enough people for setting up.
Another girl on the board had volunteered her husband to dress up in our Scooby Doo costume (don't ask why we have Scooby Doo at an Easter event..I don't know), but they suddenly have "family activities" that came up and had to drop out. So everyone on the board knows that we need someone to volunteer to dress up...
Yesterday, one of the guys on the board emailed me directly, asking if my husband could do it. We're both still pretty awkward around children, not to mention shy in general; needless to say, neither of us would really feel comfortable doing it. Because I had already tried to volunteer to help set up, he knows I don't have plans (or didn't at the time). I don't want to lie to him, but I can't think of any response that doesn't sound completely selfish.
Anyways, the whole situation really upset me, because he put us on the spot like that, so I needed to vent. Anyone have any suggestions for how I could say no without causing problems?
Re: How to say no? (Long)
All Dressed Up
I have no idea why this thing posted when I hadn't even written anything.
I agree totally with the post above. You do not owe him a reason. Just say no. Helping behind the scenes is enough. For so many years I let people pressure me to take on things I really didn't want to and when I finally learned to just say no...wow, how liberating that one word can be.
So I'm thinking the following...
"Neither of us would really feel comfortable dressing up, but like I mentioned in the meeting, we?re available to help with any behind-the-scenes activities we can. I?ve asked around to see if anyone would be willing to take over, but I haven?t found anyone.
Then again, is Scooby Doo really necessary? I think we have plenty of entertainment, as it is."
(As far as I know, there are already going to be male and female bunny costumes, a clown, and a magician)
All Dressed Up
Oh, and thanks!!
I've only started noticing the past couple years that I've got some of that weird social awkwardness that seems to come with being a technical person. Sometimes I just need a little push in the right direction..haha
All Dressed Up
I think that this response is very appropriate.
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I have to laugh about "being awkward around kids" - not laughing AT you but WITH you
I would tell them that you just don't feel comfortable doing it. Or you can lie through your teeth and tell them you're both clausterphobic
Thanks, ladies! I had been mulling over this ever since he sent the email yesterday morning, so it's a huge relief to have finally sent a response.
All Dressed Up