But it is a bacterial infection that has gotten into her bloodstream. Apparently, many newborns are born with tiny "cracks/holes" in their intestines. These cracks/holes close up almost immediately after birth, but some don't and it only takes ONE cell from the bacteria that "normally" is found in your intestines, to get into your bloodstream to cause HUGE problems. And that seems to be the case with Ainsley.
The doctors identified the bacteria as "enterobacteria" which is in the same category as salmonella, e-coli, proteus (the others that the doctor mentioned to me yesterday).
So I don't KNOW if this enterobacteria is better or worse than the salmonella, I'm just glad that they have been able to identify it and I'm relieved to know that it was nothing I /we "did" or "did wrong" to give it to her. The course of treatment is still the same, 10-14 days of IV antibiotic, so that hasn't changed.
Thank you all for your kind words and your thoughts/prayers. I really do believe that they work!
Re: So, it's NOT salmonella
I'm so glad they found out the cause of her illness... I hope she gets better soon!
Oh, that photo is adorable!!!