I know there was a post not too long ago about this, but I can't find it now. I was just wondering...what can you expect at your first doctor's appointment? Will they do an ultrasound? Is it worth it for DH to go or is there really nothing too interesting going on that first time around? Does this answer depend on how far along you are when you go in?
Also, a long time ago, I read somewhere here (I think it was Dawn&Walter who said it) about a really good generic version of the prenatal vitamins...I can't remember if it was Publix or Target. Does anyone know? I was taking the generic CVS ones while TTC, but I didn't like them and I want to switch.
Thanks in advance.?
Re: first appointment & prenatal vitamins questions
I'll let you know when I went in for my 1st prenatal visit. My Dr did do and ultrasound and we got to hear the babies heartbeat. But this all depends on how many weeks along you are before you go in. Also, some Drs have different ways in working. They ask you a bunch of questions, specifically family health history. So if I were you I would consult parents on both sides about the health history, so you can be prepared for the questions.
My DH did go. I'd like to experience most of my appts with him. And if its feasible for him to go then he tries to make it.
I'm taking the prenatals prescribed by my Dr. He didn't want me taking over the counter (which I was prior to conceiving). He prescribed prenatals w/a stool softer (which really comes in handy when you're taking all that iron), and high Omega 3 (good for the baby). You can always page Dawn at the bump. The ladies there are very helpful.
If you have any other questions, pls feel free to page me. I'm not too far along to know all the answers but I'll ask my gf who has a 3 yr old.
My first appt they took a urine sample (as they normally do) and did a family/health history. I was about 6 weeks along, so they did an u/s to check for the sack. I never had to pay for prenatals. My dr gave me so many samples that it lasted me until the following appt! I would just ask him for another prescription and he would throw in so many samples, it was awesome!