I am so darn torn gals!!! DH told me to plan a trip to Mexico at an AI to celebrate our 1st anniversary while the kids are gone this summer to Texas with their dad (youngest) and Holland (oldest). I love the EDR and ASP but when I price them out (air and all), the price is not bad but do I want to spend $2500.00 for 5 days whereas we could just stay at home, go to work and save the vacation time instead. We could always go to a nice dinner here and show - enjoy the house to ourselves but I want to go on vacation too!!!
UGH!!!! Damn college costs coming up are getting to me and I know we really need to save the money for that. Hell our huge tax refund this year is going to the college savings account and I get none of it No shopping for me! Plus the rebate this summer from IRS if it goes through has to go there too.
So, would you spend the $2500 to go to Mexico or stay home and only spend $300 or so???? I know if I say stay home to DH he is going to come back with "we can just run around the house naked then". Men!!!
Re: WWYD???
You gals are awesome. We have two boys and a girl (15, 15, and 13) and yes, once they are all in college, we will be BROKE!!! LOL I really want to go to Mexico and I think we need it (you will understand more about that in the next post for help) but I also look at spending $2500 to go to Mexico, the $6500 it is costing us to send DS to Holland, the $$ it is going to cost to go to FL for the holidays and hell, I AM SO CONFUSED!!!
Lacey, I like the idea of hitting Tahoe again. Hmmmm....
I'm spending under 2K for an all inclusive for 7 nights, 8 days. I think you need to get away at least once a year for your sanity, at least I know I do!