Hey, I saw in your bio that you chose the Graco Snugride in Metropolitan and I have the same carseat. I wanted to warn you that it is my one and only regrettable purchase as DS gets way too hot in it. The fabric simply doesn't breathe. We tried a kiddopotomus liner which didn't work, probably because its also synthetic. Every time I pick him up out of it I have to check to be sure his diaper didn't leak. He's that wet! I'd read this in one review before I bought it but ignored it since it was only one but now I've heard and read this same complaint quite a bit. I have three friends who also have the Snugride's but in the regular fabric and none of them have this issue.
Sorry for the bad review, but I thought better to warn you now than let you go through what we go through (DS crying in the car because he's so hot!) Oh, and if the sun hits him, its magnified exponentially! I highly recommend dark tinted windows. The first time the sun hit him and he got too hot, we ran out and got the darkest tint on our windows we could get.
Re: ***estherandgeoff2 ***
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