Sorry for the delay in update!
Here is the birth story that I wrote up...
On March 28th 2009, 5 days past my due date, I awoke around 4am with some more-painful-than-usual contractions. These ones felt familiar to me from my last labor. I kept trying to sleep and was able to do so until about 5, when I got up and started timing them. They were about 7-8 minutes apart. Eventually, I went back to bed for an hour or so. When I awoke again they were about 5 minutes apart and I was having a little bleeding. A good sign!
I called the doctor?s office and told them what was what going on. When the Dr. called back, she suggested that we head to the hospital as she was hopeful that this was it for me!
We packed everything up and once we got to the hospital? the contractions REALLY slowed down. They spread out, and slowed in intensity. It was nice in terms of how it felt but I was ready to get this kid out! When the Dr. checked me I was 4cm. 2cm more dilated than I was at my last appointment almost a week earlier.
The Dr. suggested that we start walking to try to get things going. And walk we did! When she checked me again about an hour later I was still the same. Because I was scheduled for an induction for the next day anyway, the Dr. admitted me and said to continue walking.
The next time she checked me I was 6 cm with contraction back to 5-7 minutes apart. So, a little progress! It was at this time that she broke my water to really get things going.
Oh, it got things going! Right before my exam and water-breaking, Damian had left to get himself some lunch. This was at about 3:30 pm. Not long at ALL after having my water broken the contractions really picked up. They became MUCH more intense and much closer together. I couldn?t wait for him to get back! I thought he was going to miss the birth.
I remember the next time I was checked I was at 7cm. I believe it was at this time I asked for a shot of nubain to take the edge off of the pain. It did help, just as it did during my last labor. I was about to really focus inward on myself and deal the best I could with the pain. I was having horrible back pain. Damian rubbed me and It felt so good. Eventually, the nurse was just putting pressure on my back and hip with every contraction. The pain was sooo intense!
The next time I was checked I was 9cm. I just couldn?t wait to dilate fully so I could start pushing and this could all be over with! Eventually I was dilated fully, with the exception of a small lip. I started feeling the involuntary urge to push. The Dr. wasn?t even in the room!
Once I started pushing it took no time at all for him to move down. I could feel him coming. I pushed only a few times before I could feel him crowning. I didn?t tear at all with this labor and I am so surprised! I really felt like he was ripping me open.
By this time the Dr. had made her way in and quickly got into her baby-catching gear. I delivered on my right side with Damian holding my leg up for me. The poor guy got some fluid on him when the baby finally slid out!
He was out within 2 or 3 pushes and everyone in the room was excitedly freaking out! My little man, Ashton Lee was born at 6:04pm, weighing in at 8lbs 12oz and 21 ?? long. He got pink very quickly and had a nice set of lungs on him!
The Dr. and nurse kept telling how wonderful I did. The nurse said I should teach a labor class! Ha! They were impressed with how focused I was and said I was a great pusher! So, that made me proud. I was like a whole new woman once Ashton was out. Hallelujah, the pain was gone!!
All in all, another fabulous birth experience!!
So, all is pretty well with us. We've been home since Mon. Ashton contracted a staph infection from the hospital so that was scary but it seems to be clearing up now. Other than that, he is nice and healthy. And he's already up to 9 lbs!! He nurses like a champ!
Just out of the oven.
Cloth diaper baby. We have had to use sposies since the infection and can't wait to go back. I'm sick of all the leaks!!!
Daddy & Ashton
Big brother Boston, big sister Kylie and Ashton
Mama and sweet baby Ashton
Coming home outfit. He was not impressed!
After his first bath
Cuddly babe
Ok, I think that's enough for now!
Re: Ashton is here!!
Woohoo!!! He is perfect! Congratulations!
I kept wondering where you'd been! I knew the absence had to be baby related.
Our daughter got here on Thursday. We had a few medically "exciting" moments, but everyone is fine. I'll have to put together my birth story.
Boston must be so excited. My 14 month old niece came to visit today & was in awe about the real "ba-ba."
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