Chicago Nesties
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I saw your post recently on Pets about finding a great breeder that would have a litter of puppies soon and I thought you were going to go that route since you know they were a reputable breeder - what happened?
Re: Goin2theChapel2
I was just curious why you were still asking about where to find yorkies since I thought you'd already found one.
Yup, I dd. But it's back.
I need a yorkie breeder
I need a yorkie breeder anyone know?
Please do a lot of research and think long and hard before getting a yorkie. They are terriers, which means they are high maintenence and hard to train and they are the neediest of all breeds when it comes to attention from their humans.
More terriers than any other kind of dog end up in shelters because of this. I know you're a teacher, which means you aren't hame during the day. That is torture for a Yorkie, especially a puppy, and can lead to lots of behavioral problems.
If you really, really want a yorkie and know what you're getting into, please consider rescuing one instead of buying one. Unless you are going to show the dog professionally, why add to the over-population problem by supporting a breeder.
I just searched small-paws and PAWS rescue sites and there are over 750 available yorkies in recues right now.
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I concur with everything Gigi just said.
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Thanks for the warning, but this will be my third yorkie. I know all about them. The breeder we got the other two from doesn't breed them anymore. : (
and not to be mean, but I want a baby that I can train, not an adult that I need to "fix" or re-train. With our other two yorkies we were not home during the day and they survived just find. We had them in a cage which was their little house and they loved it.
Then you are definately experienced enough to consider a rescue.
Please, please consider it.
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I know some people feel strongly on adopting dogs, bu that is not for everyone. I am not willing to retrain a dog, or have a dog bite everything and pee all over my house. I need a dog I can train from day one. I had a dog from PAWS who bit our whole house up and who went to the bathroom everywhere. We could not train it and had to give it back. I am not doing that again.
I have never had problem training either new yorkie, I don't know why they would be hard to train for people.
Here's one born on 12/18:
As a reminder a reputable breeder will:
-Have a spay/neuter clause in their contract
-Not release puppies less than 10-12 weeks old
-Currently active in showing their dogs
-Have one or both parents be of champion status. If there's a champion somewhere in the bloodline, it doesn't matter. It NEEDS to be the sire or dam.
-NOT advertise in the newspaper
-Have all the dogs checked and certified for health standards
-Choose the puppy that fits your family. Reputable breeders will give you a say in the sex that you want, not the specific puppy.
I'm sure that I'm missing a lot more. Although most are active in rescue, check out the Pets board and we can assist you in finding a reputable breeder.
It wasn't me that dragged snowballs all over the house!
I know you said you wanted a puppy, but if you both you and your DH work full time, you may have a harder time getting a reputable breeder (or rescue) to give you a puppy unless one of you can come home to let the puppy out every 4 hours (or you hire a dog walker).
I'm really sorry that you had a bad experience rescuing in the past. But not all dogs from rescues are destructive or need 're-training'. Unfortunately it seems like that dog just wasn't a good match. I volunteer with a local rescue group, and I can tell you that we have lots of wonderful dogs who are non-destructive, know basic commands, are house broken, and just need a loving forever home.
There will almost always be a transition period when you bring a new dog home (not just from a rescue, but from a breeder as well). I hope if your new puppy is destructive you won't give up on it.
You might also want to look for a breed-specific rescue.
Many rescue groups are also willing to do transports - meaning that if you find a dog you want but that isn't nearby, sometimes they can arrange to have the dog driven to you.
If you decide to go with a breeder, make sure you do your homework and find a reputable one. And you probably already know this, but do not ever, ever buy a puppy from a pet store (even if they say they are from reputable breeders. they are not - no reputable breeder would ever send their puppies to a pet store).
I really hope you take everything that Gigi and Meghan said into consideration. Good luck on finding a furry new addition to your family.
Chops is a golden retriever mix puppy looking for a forever home - could it be yours?
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***Chicago Nestie w/ Cutest Pet Siggy***Animal Planet Animal Loving Nestie***
nice try though!!! you've volunteered there for years, but needed someone to put in a good word for you there? Interesting...i would think someone of your dedication would be able to adopt a dog no problem. And I also find it funny that someone of your dedication would have a problem with rescue dogs in the first place.
Oh and yes -- I have no life but to C&P your posts. But it's fun, because it continues to prove that you are bat. sh!t. crazy.
So I went to heartland shelter yesterday for Kennedy the yorkie. He was posted on petfinder yesterday, and adopted by the time I got there. I was so sad!
Oh! And I went on the web site for your shelter and filled out an application. Can you put in a good word for me?