Hello girls it was nice seeing some of you again, and it was nice meeting the rest of you.
Yocy thanks for having us at your restaurant, I wish we could have talked to DJ a little more. He is awesome. Have fun on your trip and get some rest and relaxation.
Melissa, it was great meeting you and your DH you guys are super sweet and congrats again on the new home.
Virginia it was nice seeing you again. As always a joy to be around. And the cupcakes were so tasty.
Katie it was also nice to meet you, nice to finally put a face with one of the main nesties I chit chat with.
Claire let your friend know that she needs to become our next new nestie. Please tell her it was nice meeting her and her DH. Again thank you for inviting all of us to share your bday with you. DH and I had a great time.
Re: Yesterday's GTG
I third everything you said. My DH loves your DH and we definitely need to get together again so they can see each other. Throw DJ in the mix and we'll never see them again! ;D
I like the idea of having a GTG with our DHs. I think it helps them understand all of our on-line "nesting" and our nestie friends. My DH has been more supportive of me now that he has met some of ya'll.
Thanks for making my birthday so special. I have been so stressed with my prospectus deadline (this coming Friday). It was great to laugh and catch up with ya'll. A well neeed break.
I had a great time too girls.It was great to meet everyone and see everyone one again. Hopefully next time my DH will come me so you all can meet him. He's pretty supportive about it but doesn't feel he needs to meet everyone, I think he'll change his mind after the first time.
I hope everyone has a great week